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Telecom Digital Transformation – Journey from (CSP to DSP) Communication to Digital service provider

What is a digital transformation and why is digital transformation necessary for Telecommunication Industry? A digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new or improved processes, products, or services, add/transform more offerings, improve time to market, expand customer services and experience, vary marketing strategy, reduce CAPEX and OPEX, tap more sources […]

Keep Your Devices Battery Healthy!

Our laptops and smartphones are daily companions. When using these devices, we wonder: How can I keep the batteries healthy? Battery issues shorten lifespan. Here are pointers to preserve your laptop and phone battery! Avoid Extreme Temperatures:  Extreme heat or cold damages battery health. High temperatures degrade batteries, while cold temperatures reduce capacity temporarily. Store […]

Announcements for iPhone Users: iCloud File Safety Revealed 

iCloud File Safety providers use encryption for secure file transmission and storage, while multi-factor authentication and access control mechanisms add extra layers of security. In the not-so-distant past, managing and safeguarding our precious data was a daunting task. Back then, we relied on archaic methods like emailing files to ourselves or lugging around clunky external […]

Porsche's Bold Vision: Replacing Gasoline with Air and Water

Porsche’s groundbreaking endeavor replaces gasoline with air and water, redefining sustainable transportation. It showcases their commitment to the environment and reducing fossil fuel dependency.  Harnessing the Power of Hydrogen  At the core of Porsche’s pioneering technology is the vision of harnessing the power of hydrogen. The company envisions a world where hydrogen, a clean and […]

You’ve Been Logged Out, Password Possibly Changed

Secure your accounts: Change passwords promptly if compromised or in case of lost/stolen devices or password possibly changed and logged you out. To avoid this sentence from popping up while you’re entering your personal account, and to prevent this notification during login, ensure to securely manage and update your password regularly. I vividly remember the days […]