Fijian operator Digicel said it launched its next-generation satellite broadband service – Digisat. The service will provide universal data connectivity at an affordable rate in rural and remote communities. Digicel’s remote community Wi-Fi will provide broadband services to rural households and businesses that are currently without access to the internet.
CEO Farid Mohammed says their customers are counting on them to provide them with access to high-speed broadband service, especially during this time and into the future.
Mohammed says they understand how important this is to their customers and that is why Digicel is investing more in their LTE network to ensure their customers can do more in terms of their education and work needs.
He adds the future of education and work is digital and this is why staying true to their promise of deepening rural high-speed internet penetration via mobile and their LTE home service is so important to them, because it ensures that no one is left behind.
In addition, there were 1.25 million mobile connections in Fiji in January 2021, which was equivalent to 138.6 percent of the total population, according to DataRreportar.
“The number of mobile connections in Fiji decreased by 34 thousand (-2.6 percent) between January 2020 and January 2021,” it noted.
Mohammed says Digicel’s remote community Wi-Fi will provide broadband services to rural households and businesses that are currently without internet access.