EvilVideo Scam Threat Invades Telegram 

ESET research has unveiled a zero-day vulnerability in the Telegram messaging app for Android devices, putting users at risk. 

ESET research has unveiled a zero-day vulnerability in the Telegram messaging app for Android devices, putting users at risk. 

The exploit is dubbed “EvilVideo” and enables attacker to hide malicious android software in video files that appears to be harmless. It allows sharing video files via Telegram channels, groups, and private chats. 

The vulnerability became known after ESET researchers discovered an ad for this exploit on an underground forum back in June 2024. With the use of the name “Ancryno”, the seller of this exploit claims that it works on the 10.14.4 version and older ones. 

How Everything Unfolds 

ESET researchers’ investigation revealed that the malicious software likely developed with the use of the messaging app’s API was concealed within a video of 30 seconds. When users try to play the video, Telegram instantly pops up an error message, and requires them to use external player.  Once they click the Open button, users are asked to install a malicious app. 

Then, the app asks users permission to install unknown apps, which are malicious. These apps are downloaded in the form of multimedia files. of video files with apk extensions. In case users have the setting of downloading media files automatically, then it would immediately be in the chat.  

Very Quick Solution 

The ESET researcher took swift action to stop such an exploit by immediately bringing it to the attention of Telegram on June 26, 2024, and later again on July 4. 

Telegram acknowledged the issue and released version 10.14.5, resolving the security bug. Although it is unknown whether this exploit was used in real world attacks, the damage which was to be caused by this threat would have been significant given that the messaging app has a huge user base. 

To this end, and to avoid such threats, Telegram advises users to update their app to the latest version as soon as it is required and to be cautious when interacting with media files from unknown sources. 

Final Thoughts 

The very latest discovery uncovered that people who have bad intentions are becoming more capable and effective through digital means. The incident, on its own. As much as Telegram responded promptly to fix this vulnerability, all tech firms need to take a proactive approach towards any threat to ensure their users’ digital safety.

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