Happy Valentine’s Day: Love chemistry online

Courtship has taken many forms since the dawn of time; men showing hunting prowess, then the old standby, men and women who met outside the confines of the cave and discovered similar interest – running through the jungle, swimming in mountain streams and making plans to set out from their clan without the tribes permission.
Then as now, the magic chemistry was the same, and could be reduced to one single factor, the kiss that sealed the couples’ fate and made partners for life. While time has indeed become more complicated, as the old song says from “Casablanca” – “a kiss is still a kiss, the fundamental things in life still apply.
For instance with the magic of online dating similar “clans” or of more profound seriousness – religious believers in any of a number of world faiths — can find like minds
“With social events being limited during the pandemic, many young single Muslims are moving online to find their match. Millennial Muslims eagerly look forward to discovering romance online. MuslimMatch.com, where thousands of European Muslims have found a match, has seen a 40 percent increase in registrations in the past year and is currently the fastest growing halal dating and marriage app for Muslims worldwide.”
Follows are several key stats on MuslimMatch:
MuslimMatch.com has 41percent women and 59 percent male members; in terms of registrations by European Muslims, the top five cities within Europe are London, Paris, Berlin, Glasgow and Amsterdam; while the top five countries outside Europe are United States, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany and Netherlands.
With 7 region specific Muslim dating and matchmaking sites, MuslimMatch.com, headquartered in Dubai, caters to 1.8 Billion Muslims worldwide. MuslimMatch.com Europe is a multilingual platform available in languages including French, German, Dutch and Russian.
Some interesting features of the MuslimMatch.com app: Women get to see who has viewed/ liked their profile; Women can directly initiate a chat with profiles. There are Selfie and phone verification features to ensure safety of users; manual screening of 100 percent of profiles to weed out non-serious users; and advanced filters to search for profiles matching members’ lifestyle and religious practices.
Thousands of Muslims have found a soul mate here, according to the company
Each regional dating geography for MuslimMatch is branded online thus that there is ArabMuslimMatch.com, AmericanMuslimMatch.com, EuropeanMuslimMatch.com, IndonesianMuslimMatch.com, BangladeshiMuslimMatch.com and MalaysianMuslimMatch.com.
The company notes that the various services are currently available in 9 languages on iOS and Android.
No matter what, once met online it is the happy future of many couples to stay together, perhaps build a happy family who in turn build families of their own. There is no happier sight that a grandmother with a granddaughter on her lap teaching some important like skill such as dandelion necklace making.
Love can be ecstatic or it can be painful, I will leave the reader with a quatrain from a famous song by Jacques Brel that should melt many a lovers’ heart.
“I will make a land, Where love is King, Where love will be Law, Where you will be Queen”