Once Again, ByteDance’s TikTok Violates Children Online Privacy, DoJ Says 

The US Justice Department (DoJ) has accused TikTok, and its parent company ByteDance, of allegedly illegal data collection from children and allowing them to create accounts without seeking parent’s permission. 

On Friday a lawsuit was filed against TikTok and ByteDance claiming they have allowed illegal data collection of children by getting them to create TikTok accounts without the prior parental consent and knowledge. 

The lawsuit also alleged the company of gathering and keeping personal information of those children, such as email addresses, phone numbers, as well as locations. 

Although parents have asked TikTok to delete their children’s information, the company is said to have ignored these requests. 

Children’s Privacy Is Not Prioritized 

The lawsuit claims that TikTok has violated an agreement made with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) back in 2019, in which it was committed to addressing issues related to children’s privacy. the video sharing app has also breached the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). 

The COPPA is a U.S. federal law designed for children’s privacy protection under 13 years of age. Enacted in 1998 and enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, COPPA has imposed certain requirements on websites and online services to collect personal information from children. 

The 31-page lawsuit stated, “For years, defendants have knowingly allowed children under 13 to create and use TikTok accounts without their parents’ knowledge or consent, have collected extensive data from those children, and have failed to comply with parents’ requests to delete their children’s accounts and personal information.” 

Kids Mode: More Hurdles Than Assistance 

The lawsuit also criticizes what TikTok has done illegal data collection to prevent children from accessing the main app. While it offers a “Kids Mode” for users under 13, that version of the app restricts kids from interacting with users or uploading videos but does not require parental consent. Kids can still easily lie about their age when creating accounts, according to the suit. 

FTC Chair Lina Khan said in a statement Friday, “TikTok knowingly and repeatedly violated kids’ privacy, threatening the safety of millions of children across the country.” 

In a response to such allegations, Micheal Hughes, TikTok spokesperson, Micheal Hughes highlighted that the company disagrees “with these allegations, many of which relate to past events and practices that are factually inaccurate or have been addressed.”  

Hughes also pointed to some features added to the app to show the company’s commitment when it comes to users’ safety and illegal data collection, such as screentime limits and Family Pairing. 

Some of the features are: 

  • Restricted Mode 
  • Comment Care Mode 
  • Keyword filters 

The lawsuit is also part of a broader battle between TikTok and the US government. In 2024, President Biden signed into law legislation that may require the video sharing company’s parent, ByteDance, to sell its stake in TikTok or, theoretically, prohibit the app from operating in the United States altogether.  

In response, on May 7, 2024, TikTok filed a lawsuit to try to block that statute in federal court. 

Final Thoughts 

The ongoing and never-ending battle between TikTok and the US highlights is clearly presenting a real challenge encountered by Big Tech giants and governments, which is to maintain a balance between innovation and safety in all its meanings.  

As technology changes so fast, it would require firms to meet the compliance requirements and set a higher standard rather than accusations of illegal data collection when managing data ethically. This case acts as a simple reminder that as much as digital tools may come with great possibilities, they must be managed and designed with respect toward the principles aimed at protecting users, especially the vulnerable ones.  

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