Italy to Hit Google with Another Antitrust Case

google, italy, antitrust, practices, data use

A new Google antitrust case might be on the horizon, as Italy is concerned over Google’s potentially misleading and aggressive practices related to user consent data usage.

Watchdogs in Europe and the US are scrutinizing Big Tech’s practices. After decades of allowing them to run the figurative show, authorities have been trying to rein in their power. Google alone currently has 2 US Justice Department cases open. One is investigating its dominance over the online search market, while the other Google case is questioning the power the tech giant wields over digital advertising technologies.

A Watchful European Eye

The European Commission has been diligent in its probe of Google’s practices. In March, it announced a noncompliance case into Google’s parent company, Alphabet, over guiding users in Google Play and self-preferencing in Google Search.


The Italian watchdog’s main concern was Google’s requests to link user data across its various services, including YouTube, Gmail, and Maps.

According to the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM), the consent requests might not provide users with clear and complete information regarding the implications of their consent. They believe that the requests could mislead users about how their personal data will be utilized and shared across different Google platforms.

They also believe that this approach could influence users to agree to the combined use of their personal data across multiple services without fully understanding the consequences. As a result, these consent requests limit users’ freedom of choice.


If the watchdog does indeed find these commercial practices rip the choice away from the consumer, Google would violate Italian law. In response, a Google representative said, “We will analyze the details of this case and will work cooperatively with the authority.” The company is looking at a fine of anywhere between 5,000 euros and 10 million euros if found guilty.

Final Thoughts

The same practices that Big Tech has been on trial for lately are the same practices that made them who they are. Apple and its closed ecosystem, Google and its web of interconnectedness, Facebook and its data collection, among other things. Now, after decades of building literal empires, authorities are aiming to straighten out Google’s and the rest of the giants’ behavior with antitrust case after antitrust case. And if they don’t comply? A fine. There is evidence that leads people to believe that fines are just price tags for the rich and powerful. And you don’t get richer or more powerful than a Big Tech giant.

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