Search results for "dog"

Israel-Hamas War: What You Need to Know Right Now

Israel-Hamas war: What you need to know right now(Reuters) – Israel has formed an emergency unity government, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sitting in a war cabinet with centrist former defence minister Benny Gantz. The move came as the Israeli military pounds Gaza to root out the Palestinian militant group Hamas, ahead of a possible […]

Apple Disputes French Findings, Says iPhone 12 Meets Radiation Rules

Apple defended its iPhone 12 model on Wednesday, September 13, after a French watchdog ordered a halt to its sales citing breaches of European Union radiation exposure limits. The French move raised the prospect of further bans in Europe. Germany’s network regulator BNetzA said it might launch similar proceedings and was in close contact with […]

MOXIE: NASA’s New Oxygen on Mars

In April 2021 and for the first time, NASA managed to produce oxygen on Mars. The Mars Oxygen In-situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE), “microwave-oven-size device”- as NASA described, generated oxygen for the 16th and final time aboard NASA’s Perseverance rover. “MOXIE’s impressive performance shows that it is feasible to extract oxygen from Mars’ atmosphere – […]