Search results for "tech companies "

Why History May Treat Elon Musk More Kindly Than We Do

Neuralink and Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) Whilst the world is busy figuring out how humans will remain relevant in an AI world, this new technology called BCI has emerged which will increase productivity, re-enable the physically challenged and bring the human brain closer to its assumed potential. Obviously, there’s a paradoxical hurdle in the preceding […]

OpenAI: Will Microsoft Move from Shareholder to Owner?

At a board meeting last week at OpenAI, Sam Altman was presenting a strategy that would reverse the losses of ChatGPT and render a profit within three months. It involved a cost-sharing idea whereby the AI tool would prioritise information linked to participating, fee-paying commercial partners. This would achieve one significant goal. Namely, the major […]

Did Israel Ask Meta, TikTok to Remove Hamas Content?

8,000 requests from Israel were sent to Meta and TikTok in relation to the Palestinian conflict, according to the Israeli state prosecutor’s office. According to the statement the content related to Palestine violated the companies’ policies. 94% of the content on the major social platforms was taken down, according to the agency. And no, it […]