Search results for "tech companies "

AI as a Job Killer or Creator? 

The impact of AI on jobs is expected to result in both the elimination of certain occupations and the creation of new job roles. In a statement that echoes the concerns of many, an executive at a prominent artificial intelligence company has acknowledged that while AI technology has the potential to create new jobs, it […]

Microsoft stumbling on renewable energy pledges

In 2020, Microsoft publicly committed to zero carbon status not just for itself, but for its supply chain. The company itself is doing on track. But the emissions from most of its supply chain are not reducing, but increasing. One particular supplier in Taiwan, Chicony Electronics, recently reported a 700% increase in emissions in one […]

NASA's Mission to Prevent Future Internet Apocalypse 

In a groundbreaking effort to stop a potential “internet apocalypse Solar Storm ” that could leave people offline for months, NASA has embarked on a mission and traveled to solar wind to prevent it from happening. This aims to understand the mechanism behind the sun’s wind, which carries vital information to Earth.   The consequences of failing […]

Apple's WWDC 2023: The Future is Today 

Turning fiction into reality and reality into the metaverse. If you’re a fan of Apple products, as I am, you’re going to love this. Sitting in your bed and watching your favorite movie right in front of you, It feels so real as if you’re inside the movie. Let me tell you, this year’s Worldwide […]