Search results for "new ai"

Apple sends female employee home after raising sexist concerns

Ashley Gjøvik, senior engineering program manager at Apple has been coming to work for years complaining about her experiences with sexism, a hostile work environment, sexual harassment, unsafe working conditions, and retaliation.  Her request was simple, she asked Apple to mitigate the hostile work environment while they investigate.  “Initially Apple offered me EAP therapy and medical leave. I told them that made no sense and said they should talk […]

Russia blames space station lab incident on software failure

A Russian space official on Friday blamed a software problem on a newly docked science lab for briefly knocking the International Space Station out of position. The space station lost control of its orientation for 47 minutes on Thursday, when Russia’s Nauka science lab accidentally fired its thrusters a few hours after docking, pushing the […]

Why the telecom business needs scriptless testing with AI

Telecoms companies are under ever-increasing pressure to release quickly. One of the biggest obstacles, however, is testing. How does testing keep up with the demand for secure, bug-free software, especially with the proliferation of devices? Automated continuous testing has addressed some of the challenges, but also created new ones. Now, recent innovations in scriptless technology […]

Google is battling against a $1 billion legal claim

Google is charging people for their digital purchases in its Play Store through an “unfair and excessive” manner, according to a new legal lawsuit filed against the tech giant.  On behalf of 19.5 million Android phone users in the UK, the legal action is seeking up to $1 billion from Google.  The lawsuit has been filed with the Competition Appeal Tribunal in London by former […]

Instagram’s new settings target creepy adults

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. Viewing your child’s social media accounts only to find obscene messages from older users intended for your preteen son or daughter. Unfortunately, nightmares like this are a reality for a rapidly increasing number of parents, as more youngsters’ dive into the social media world.  Luckily, Instagram has decided to take it in their hands to put an end to child predators roaming the photo and video-sharing site. […]

Smart Eye Deputy CEO Rana el Kaliouby talks automotive AI

Rana el Kaliouby co-founded and led Boston startup Affectiva, which uses artificial intelligence and computer vision to analyze mood and emotion. Now she’s got a new job as deputy CEO of Smart Eye, after the Swedish eye-tracking company bought Affectiva for $73.5 million in June. The auto industry is the prime market for el Kaliouby […]

PayPal, ADL announce initiative against criminal funding

In PayPal’s most recent efforts to fight racism and extremism across the industry, the financial gateway partners up with the Anti-Defamation League to investigate how extremists adopt financial platforms to fund their activity.   PayPal and Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) atypical collaboration initiates the first step to divert focus towards the importance of recognizing how extremists are leveraging financial platforms for criminal funding.  The initiative will be guided […]

Intel reveals architecture roadmap, welcomes Qualcomm as new customer

In its greatest attempt to reclaim its chipmaking crown, Intel announced on Monday its new architecture roadmap during the company’s Accelerated webcast, unveiling the manufacturer’s strategy to refresh innovative naming schemes for future nodes.  Intel’s CEO Pat Gelsinger announced during the company’s Accelerated livestream webcast how the semiconductor company is planning to switch its branding plan to push for more semiconductor innovations.  The revelation incorporated broad strokes of its next-half decade […]

Facebook’s cloud gaming service is now available to iOS users

Facebook launched on Friday its cloud gaming service on Apple devices through a web app, that allows users to play games through a mobile device or web browser without having to download them. The step follows a series of back-and-forth trials with Apple that previously rejected Facebook’s standalone iOS app version of its gaming service. […]

Amazon seeks to look into Blockchain amongst latest hype

Amazon displays a lenient approach towards digital currencies as a new job listing was posted on Friday on the e-commerce site seeking a digital currency and blockchain specialist to lead its payments team. As one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the world, Amazon is responsible for securing some of the widest transactions through various […]