Search results for "youtube"

Clairvoyant Technology

The Crystal Ball that was American TV in the Sixties What do the Roomba (that’s robot vacuum cleaner for those not paying attention since the turn of the century), iPad, video chat and tanning bed all have in common? Well, that funny looking thing that rumbles along your floor with a mind of its own […]

Clairvoyant Technology

The Future According to Bond, James Bond Since 1962, and lately in infuriatingly irregular episodes, the world has been enrapt with the adventures of Ian Fleming’s rather prescient James Bond. It’s a tough job saving the world He’s survived laser beams whose intention was to cut him in half. He narrowly avoided been tossed into […]

Tech & Sports: Technology as an Additional Referee

Rugby Professional footballers spend the duration of a match trying to convince the referee they’re mortally wounded. Professional rugby players spend the same time trying to convince the referee that they’re not. That’s how we rugby lovers like to crow about our superiority over people who love round ball sports. The physical nature of rugby […]

Dune: Is Frank Herbert tomorrow’s Nostradamus?

In November, the second instalment of Denis Villeneuve’s film adaption of Frank Herbert’s Dune will arrive. For those who’ve read the book, you know what’s coming. For those of you who haven’t, boy, you have no idea what’s coming! Inside Telecom has already covered the subject of prophesies in movies. This article may really prompt […]

Tech & Sports : Sponsorship from Presence to Engagement

Formula 1 Much as I am loathe to admit it (being a diehard Lewis Hamilton fan), Red Bull have really nailed it as sports sponsor and nowhere is it more apparent than in F1. Wherever there is an act of daring, of doing things that appear to exceed the limits of the human body, Red […]

Virgin Hyperloop: An Open Letter to Tom Cruise

Dear Tom We’ve held our breath while you cavorted around the world’s tallest structure, Dubai’s mighty Burj Khalifa. We searched for any trickery involved when you hung on to the exterior of an Airbus military carrier in flight. Searched in vain, I might add, it turns out you were really hanging on. No green screen […]

American Tech Companies Worried about the Great Firewall of China in Hong Kong

Google, OpenAI and Microsoft are slowing squeezing out accessibility to their AI chatbots in Hong Kong. This is in unequivocal acknowledgement that Hong Kong no longer has any special status over mainland China regarding freedom of information. None of the above-mentioned companies are confirming this as the reason. But given the 2020 National Security Law […]