Search results for "donald trump"

People or profit? Facebook papers show deep conflict within

Facebook the company is losing control of Facebook the product — not to mention the last shreds of its carefully crafted, decade-old image as a benevolent company just wanting to connect the world. Thousands of pages of internal documents provided to Congress by a former employee depict an internally conflicted company where data on the […]

Facebook's oversight board seeks details on VIPs' treatment

Facebook’s semi-independent oversight board says the company has fallen short of full disclosure on its internal system that exempts high-profile users from some or all of its content rules. Facebook “has not been fully forthcoming” with the overseers about its “XCheck,” or cross-check, system the board said in a report Thursday. It also said it […]

Ex-Facebook employee bringing sharp criticisms to Congress

A former Facebook data scientist has stunned lawmakers and the public with revelations of the company’s awareness of apparent harm to some teens from Instagram and her accusations of dishonesty in its fight against hate and misinformation. Now she is coming before Congress. Frances Haugen has come forward with a wide-ranging condemnation of Facebook, buttressed […]

Facebook whistleblower comes forward, urges for strong regulations

Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager, revealed during an interview with CBS News’ 60 minutes that she’s the one leaking confidential internal documents to media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal.  “The thing I saw at Facebook over and over again was there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook. And Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimize for […]

Ex-Facebook manager alleges social network fed Capitol riot

A data scientist who was revealed Sunday as the Facebook whistleblower says that whenever there was a conflict between the public good and what benefited the company, the social media giant would choose its own interests. Frances Haugen was identified in a “60 Minutes” interview Sunday as the woman who anonymously filed complaints with federal […]

Microsoft’s CEO says trying to buy TikTok was “the strangest thing”

During an interview with journalist Kara Swisher at the Code conference, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella came forward with new information regarding the negotiations that happened while trying to acquire TikTok.  “It was the strangest thing I’ve ever worked on,” Nadella Said, describing his attempt to save the TikTok app in the U.S. and elsewhere after Donald Trump’s administration threatened to ban it.  If you haven’t heard about Trump’s efforts in banning TikTok from the […]

Huawei executive returns as China releases 2 Canadians

An executive of Chinese global communications giant Huawei Technologies returned from Canada Saturday night following a legal settlement that also saw the release of two Canadians held by China, potentially bringing closure to a nearly 3-year-long feud embroiling Ottawa, Beijing and Washington. Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer and the daughter of the company’s founder, […]

Former US defense secretary testifies in Holmes fraud trial

Former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis testified Wednesday in the trial of fallen tech star Elizabeth Holmes, saying the entrepreneur misled him into believing she was on the verge of rolling out a blood-testing breakthrough that he hoped would help save lives of troops in battle. Mattis’ appearance came during the sixth day of […]

China's trade accelerates in August despite coronavirus

China’s import and export growth accelerated in August despite disruptions due to the spread of the coronavirus’s delta variant. Exports rose 25.6% over a year earlier to $294.3 billion, up from July’s 18.9% growth, customs data showed Tuesday. Imports rose 33.1% to $236 billion, up from the previous month’s 28.7%. That came despite lingering disruptions […]

Congress asks tech companies for Jan. 6 records

A House committee investigating the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol insurrection has requested that telecommunications and social media companies preserve the personal communications of hundreds of people who may have somehow been connected to the attack. It’s a sweeping public demand from Congress that is rare, if not unprecedented, in its breadth and could put the […]