Search results for "Ai work together"

Is Crypto Acting as The Hidden Link in US-China Relations? 

Underlying political views and hidden agendas may be influencing the US crackdown on cryptocurrency acceptance, while China embraces it, possibly due to powerful banking institutions and China’s pursuit of a centralized digital currency. You wake up one day and discover that your favorite restaurant no longer accepts credit cards. Instead, they insist on a mysterious […]

Big Tech's Motives in Africa: Development or Data Extraction? 

Tech Companies in Africa Must Prioritize Development and Responsible Data Practices: You’re sitting in a bustling café, surrounded by people engrossed in their smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets. The world around you is becoming increasingly digital, and Africa is no exception. But have you ever wondered why Big Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon […]

How Is Technology Affecting Human Evolution?

When I was a child, I always wondered why our hands look like that. Why is everything designed so perfectly for a human to be able to eat, walk, work, write, laugh…etc. I always had a question in my mind about human evolution, will we evolve and change? I wanted answers, so I started to […]

Human Disruption From the Perspective of Human Beings

Shaping technology’s requires collective consciousness, education, and inclusive practices, while regulation and policy frameworks must adapt to protect privacy and ensure ethical development. In a world not too far away, humanity found itself in the middle of a great war. However, this was no ordinary war fought with guns and bombs; it was a battle […]

Telecom Digital Transformation – Journey from (CSP to DSP) Communication to Digital service provider

What is a digital transformation and why is digital transformation necessary for Telecommunication Industry? A digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new or improved processes, products, or services, add/transform more offerings, improve time to market, expand customer services and experience, vary marketing strategy, reduce CAPEX and OPEX, tap more sources […]