Search results for "cyber attacks"

Post Quantum Crypto Algorithms: Fortifying the Future

As we know by now, quantum computing is set to change the dynamics in terms of the global technological revolution and modernization of computing power. A technological colossal that is set to change how information is encrypted and data are processed. Quantum computing is not something that is easily comprehended, and the science behind it […]

Japan May Force Big Tech Companies to Disclose Their Algorithms

Big tech companies such as Meta (Facebook), Google, Amazon, Twitter, and others have always tried to keep their algorithms close to their hearts. At the end of the day, these long stretches of code are main contributors to the company’s revenue streams. Whether it is in marketing, advertisement selection, recommendation, search optimization, or other functionalities, […]

How to Check a Suspicious Link Without Opening it?

We are all well aware of the troubles opening a fishy link can lead us to.  Luring users to click on a given link has been of one the well-known techniques to get access to the device, install virus and malware or even go as far as creating a full ransomware attack. To protect your […]

How To Protect Your Data in 2022?

With the sudden surge in online working and learning, mainly fueled by the latest health events that hit the world population, the number of internet users has increased considerably in the last few years. According to statistics by the international telecommunications union (ITU), the number of internet users increased by 9 percent between 2019 and […]

Crypto Crash Threatens North Korea's Stolen Funds as it Ramps up Weapons Tests

The nosedive in cryptocurrency markets has wiped out millions of dollars in funds stolen by North Korean hackers, four digital investigators say, threatening a key source of funding for the sanctions-stricken country and its weapons programmes. North Korea has poured resources into stealing cryptocurrencies in recent years, making it a potent hacking threat and leading […]

5G Use Cases in Education: Breaking the Barriers in Online Leaning

The recent coronavirus pandemic has been a big challenge for different sectors worldwide. The health industry has been put to the limelight due the large number of casualties and the inability of healthcare systems to ramp up their resources to face the rapidly escalating situation. In the background, the pandemic tested the readiness of various […]

Top Tech Skills to Learn in 2022

The future is for the techies. For some years, technology firms have been the most profitable businesses worldwide. It appears that tech businesses will maintain their dominance in the coming decades. If you are looking for a career that is challenging, financially abundant, and guaranteed to expand, then the following the below tech are the […]

The Trinity of Future: 5G, Blockchain, and IoT

The futuristic league of 5G, Blockchain, and IoT will birth a balanced ecosystem, colliding telcos capabilities, IoT applications, and a cryptographic ledger to optimize business and daily functions. The mobile wireless network industry witnessed heavy alternations and developments throughout the years.  Developments that brought it to the advanced level it is in right now. Communication […]

What is the Ethical Dilemma in Information Technology?

The application of ethics and morals in technology and the extent to which ethical values are applied in technology has always been a philosophical question that is only now being looked upon. As digital development maintains its exponential rise, so does the power to act that accompanies it. Technological power in different fields, such as […]