Search results for "FBI"

Cyber Officials from 37 Countries, 13 Companies to Meet on Ransomware in Washington

The White House will host officials from 37 countries and 13 global companies in Washington this week to address the growing threat of ransomware and other cybercrime, including the illicit use of cryptocurrencies, a senior U.S. official said. The in-person meeting follows last year’s virtual inaugural meeting of the informal Counter-Ransomware Initiative, adding seven more […]

Uber Says Lapsus$-linked Hacker Responsible for Breach

Uber Technologies Inc said on Monday a hacker affiliated with the Lapsus$ hacking group was responsible for a cyber attack that forced the ride-hailing company to shut several internal communications temporarily last week. Uber said the attacker had not accessed any user accounts and the databases that store sensitive user information such as credit card […]

Pros and Cons of Blockchain Technology: A Thorough Dive 

Live blockchains are growing daily at an ever-growing pace. As of our present day, there are more than 10 000 active Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. With such a presence, having the right knowledge base has never been more valuable as this decentralized technology becomes more and more embedded into global establishments. So, what are the pros and cons […]

Exclusive-U.S. Probes China's Huawei over Equipment Near Missile Silos

The Biden administration is investigating Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei over concerns that U.S. cell towers fitted with its gear could capture sensitive information from military bases and missile silos that the company could then transmit to China, two people familiar with the matter said. Authorities are concerned Huawei could obtain sensitive data on military […]

Crypto Crash Threatens North Korea's Stolen Funds as it Ramps up Weapons Tests

The nosedive in cryptocurrency markets has wiped out millions of dollars in funds stolen by North Korean hackers, four digital investigators say, threatening a key source of funding for the sanctions-stricken country and its weapons programmes. North Korea has poured resources into stealing cryptocurrencies in recent years, making it a potent hacking threat and leading […]

The Knock-on Effect of Police Use of Facial Recognition

For the police, the use of facial technology in a technologically accelerated world is nothing but a means to optimize their internal operations to deliver a more safeguarded environment, conduct faster investigations, and catch criminals. But for the public, the police use of facial recognition is a cause of concern in terms of a potential […]

Biggest Cyberattacks of 2021

2021 came, and with it came the wave of emerging technologies in various sectors, be it medical, sustainability, blockchain technology, and much more. And while 2021 wasn’t as intense as its predecessor, the year still brought with it some challenges that were quite an ordeal to overcome, or even avoid, for that matter. With this […]

Mandiant CEO says national response to cyber threats is a necessity

One of the many things the Log4j ransomware attack showcased is that U.S.-based businesses and governmental entities have been heavily affected by cyberattacks, such as ransomware, data breaches, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), according to CNBC. “I think more people are taking advantage of the United States – and our openness and our true global workforce – […]

Switzerland expedites to the U.S. Russian Businessman with Kremlin ties

On Monday, the Justice Department announced the extradition of Russian businessman Vladislav Klyushin to the U.S. from Switzerland for charges in an insider trading scheme to infiltrate U.S. computer networks. The owner of the Russian company, M-13, Klyushin, is charged with four others for potentially hacking into significant publicly traded U.S. firms to access earnings […]