Search results for "tech giants "

Who’s Next? Chinese EVs Drive Stellantis’ Jeep off the Road

The bankruptcy of Stellantis’ Jeep joint venture in China could spell trouble for other global automakers whose output has plunged over the last five years in the world’s largest car market, as domestic players rapidly overtake. The first joint venture failure by a foreign brand in the electric vehicle (EV) era, the Oct. 31 bankruptcy […]

The CBRS 5G Essential Bond

As long as client devices can operate in the 3.5 GHz range, the applications for CBRS are limitless. Compared to Wi-Fi which uses unlicensed bands, which are prone to competition from competing technologies. CBRS is typically on its own lane. You can utilize CBRS for financial advantages. In some circumstances. CBRS will be the most […]

Vodafone, the Anchor of COP27

The “Conference of the Parties,” sometimes known as “COP,” is an annual gathering of the nations that have ratified the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol, or the Paris Agreement. Ministers, negotiators, and world leaders gather to collectively decide how to combat climate change and its effects. To add transparency and more comprehensive viewpoints to the process, […]

EV Battery Makers Race to Develop Cheaper Cell Materials, Skirting China

U.S. and European startups are racing to develop new batteries using two abundant, cheap materials — sodium and sulfur — that could reduce China’s battery dominance, ease looming supply bottlenecks and lead to mass-market electric vehicles (EVs). Today’s EVs run on lithium ion batteries — mostly made with lithium, cobalt, manganese and high-grade nickel, whose […]

MyMonty - To All Banks, Let Us Digitize You!

In 1998, Mountasser Hachem founded Monty Holding, which has since become a giant in the telco sector, achieving unprecedented global penetration. His first go-to-market company was Monty Mobile, adapting various cutting-edge technologies to provide 4G and 5G wireless solutions and value added services, Messaging, Omnichannel, eSIM, and many other solutions which have been greeted enthusiastically […]

Digesting the FTX News

The news of the FTX crash is spreading like fire. FTX is on the brink of total collapse amid liquidity concerts and rumors of misused funds surfacing. These rumors became more concrete when a mass volume of investor withdrawals followed them. FTT, the native token of FTX, tanked. The plummet in prices affected other coins […]

The AT&T Verizon Competition

The battle for mobile service and internet providers is raging in the United States, with AT&T and Verizon in direct competition. Both carriers offer excellent extensive service, and the margin of competition is slim. Yet the AT&T Verizon rivalry is hitting its peak currently, on many levels. Providing internet, phone services, and data plans, both […]

5G Rollout and the 5G Telecom Stocks

5G is a very distinctive upgrade from the previous generations. And it boils down to one key factor, Speed. Such speeds are possible because 5G operates on a larger radius of the radio spectrum. This increase in radius allows wireless devices to be more efficient with signal transmission. 5G further allows more fast-paced data processing […]

Disruptive Innovation in the Energy Sector

Disruptive technologies emerged in the energy sectors, rapidly changing the global energy landscape. A technology that creates new business models disrupting the traditional one is referred to as a disruptive technology, as per Clayton Christensen, the man behind the naming. Such disruptive innovation in the energy sector can spark a revolution in technological capabilities, digital […]

Ethical Companies That Might Not be Ethical

Companies invest decades in improving their reputation and uphold ethical practices. A single scandal or a corrupt corporate culture, however, might permanently harm the company’s reputation. In other cases a company might strive to build a certain brand but in the background could be deeply involved in unethical practices. In this article we are going […]