Search results for "drones"

31 Nations Agree on AI

The U.S. spearheaded an agreement with 30 nations to voluntarily regulate military AI. But India, Russia, and China were nowhere in sight.

Your Medicine Delivered by Drone in Less Than an Hour

Medications from up above to your doorstep by just 60 minutes MAX. Amazon launched a drone delivery for medications in College Station, Texas, marking the first time a major retailer has offered drone delivery of medications in the U.S. Utilizing a camera-equipped drone that surpasses the traditional delivery methods like FedEx in speed. This service […]

Wide-Field-of-View Glasses by Meta

A new video-recording face computer on our heads has arrived and is sold by Meta. I came across this news … reading …and rereading …  then trying to digest the goal of it and questioning the importance of having such a device. They want us to record everything, absolutely everything while living our daily lives […]