Search results for "technical challenge"

The Big Orange, Formerly Known as the Big Apple

The aftermath of devastating wildfires in Canada has cast a veiled influence on the air quality, bringing forth concerns and highlighting the interconnectedness of our environment. As plumes of smoke from these distant fires traversed great distances, the air of the Big Apple was tinged with a hint of uncertainty. New York’s air has been […]

 Building Holistic Water Management Strategies  

In regions with limited financial resources, finding a balance between the necessity of customizing water management strategies and the need for standardization and cost-effectiveness can be a difficult task.  Water is a vital resource for life, but it is also a finite resource. As the global population continues to grow, the demand for water is […]

France Looks to AI-Powered Surveillance to Secure Olympics

France’s National Assembly on Thursday approved the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) video surveillance during the 2024 Paris Olympics, overlooking warnings from civil rights groups that the technology posed a threat to civil liberties. The government says algorithmic video surveillance can detect “pre-determined events”, abnormal behaviour and crowd surges, helping ensure the safety of millions […]

The Promise of Telecom in Underdeveloped Markets

The telecommunications sector in underdeveloped countries has undergone a remarkable evolution over the years. From the days of state monopolies to the entry of private players, the sector has grown rapidly, bringing greater connectivity and convenience to people’s lives. However, the journey has not been without its challenges. Political instability, limited infrastructure, and challenges in […]

How Can We Encourage More Women Into Telecommunications?

Hear from MS3 Networks’ female leaders this International Women’s Day According to techUK, just 8.5 per cent of senior technology leaders in the UK are from minority ethnic groups, and only 16 per cent of IT professionals are female. As we celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March, 2023, Hull-based fibre network operator, MS3 […]

Life in a Cognitive City

In 1909 a short novel was published that has gone on to shape the opinions of every generation since. It concerns what the future has in store for us. It was entitled ‘The Machine Stops’, and even those unaware of this novella harbor fears lifted straight from its pages. The central core of this 114-year-old […]

How Reforms are Essential for China's Vision for the Next 30 years

China’s current plan for self-reliance has sparked a sense of competition in the global community. As the world’s second-largest economy and a leader in technological advancement, China’s quest for independence and sovereignty has the potential to shape the future of the global economy and technology. But to truly fulfill its vision of self-reliance, China must […]