Search results for "ai systems"

Demystifying China

Ah, the charms of the legacy western propaganda machine. Generations of us are indoctrinated with the insidious, perfidious nature of China’s goal of world domination. Hmmm, it would be nice if we just embraced the truth of what China can offer the world rather than being forced into a mindset about which another economy suffers […]

The Top Ten Assistive Technologies in our World

The world is moving towards inclusivity, be it including historically marginalized groups or adapting the world to the needs of people with health conditions or impairments. Humanity has tried to make the world accessible since the dawn of technology, starting in the early 1800s with the development of Braille, a universal reading and writing system […]

CSPs Need to Revamp Their Monetisation Strategies to Capitalise on the Trillion-Dollar B2B 5G Opportunity

The fifth-generation network (5G) is projected to generate a trillion dollars over the next decade, and the communications service providers (CSPs) who have spent billions of dollars rolling out the network are angling to capture as much of this new revenue as possible. Despite industry chatter about cloud gaming and the Metaverse being killer use […]

Elon Musk’s Challenge: Stay Ahead of the Competition

Elon Musk will confront a critical challenge during Tesla’s Investor Day on March 1: Convincing investors that even though rivals are catching up, the electric-vehicle pioneer can make another leap forward to widen its lead. Tesla Inc was the No. 1 EV maker worldwide in 2022, but China’s BYD and others are closing the gap […]

Life in a Cognitive City

In 1909 a short novel was published that has gone on to shape the opinions of every generation since. It concerns what the future has in store for us. It was entitled ‘The Machine Stops’, and even those unaware of this novella harbor fears lifted straight from its pages. The central core of this 114-year-old […]

2023: The Year Transformation Spreads Its Wings

2022 has been an interesting year, to say the least. And as life settled into the new normal, technological innovations became exponentially more important in our daily lives. 2022 was a hallmark year in technology-based industries, from the 5G rollout to artificial intelligence (AI) popularization. And 2023 is promising to be just as, if not […]

Telecom Quantum Computing: A Dream or a Fantasy?

A quantum computer is a special kind that uses quantum mechanics to perform some computations more quickly than a conventional computer. Once the technology is in complete form, it is set to revolutionize every industry known to humankind. Alongside the pharmaceutical and cybersecurity sectors, experts postulate that this innovation will change the telecoms industry as […]

Telecom in the Face of Earthquakes

The ground has just dropped beneath your feet. As you desperately try to grasp what’s happening, the rubble is closing in on you. You struggle to reach out for your phone. But it is not there, and It dawns on you. This is how I die.  If the recent devastating events of turkey and the […]

Tesla Recalls 362,000 U.S. Vehicles over Full Self-Driving Software

Tesla Inc will recall more than 362,000 U.S. vehicles to update its Full Self-Driving (FSD) Beta software after U.S. regulators said on Thursday the driver assistance system did not adequately adhere to traffic safety laws and could cause crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said the Tesla software allows a vehicle to “exceed […]