Search results for "ai systems"

Exclusive: Toyota to Outline 3-Year EV Plan Changes to Suppliers - Sources

Toyota Motor Corp is expected to outline adjustments to its electric vehicle (EV) strategy to key suppliers early next year, as it races to narrow the gap on price and performance with industry leaders Tesla and BYD, two people with knowledge of the work said. The leading Japanese automaker is expected to detail the EV […]

The Burning Need to Update Telecommunications and Network Security

When it comes to cybersecurity, telcos are faced with a wide range of diversity and complexity, including distributed and cloud RAN, Edge and Cloud Core, enterprise and subscriber devices, gateways, hubs, set-top boxes, multi-capacity routers, switches, base transceiver stations, femtocells, and 5G edge gateways. Hacker groups, APT groups and clusters, and malware creators frequently target […]

The Current State of the 5G Market Growth

Major telcos have been aggressively marketing their 5G offerings. Yet they should consider not only the 5G benefits and promises but what it has relatively failed or is yet to do. Especially when planning the future of telecommunications. 5G technology delivers fast bandwidth, which optimizes real-time applications and heavy on data mobile apps. 5G market […]

How Software Defined Mobile Networks Reshaped Telecom

Mobile communication was introduced in the 1980s. The first generation of mobile networks supports only voice call services, and the connectivity speeds up to 56 kbps. However, mobile network technology achieved tremendous development during the last four decades, notably with Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN), a software defined networks sub-section. The Limitations of Software Defined […]

China 6G Satellite Ventures

The China 6G satellite launch is still recent. The world watched closely as the giant moved towards another push to dominate the market. Yet most critics remained on the edge of what they know and what they do not about the Chinese 6G plans. Most notably, the question remains, how will the US handle such […]

How Telcos can Capitalize on the FTX Crash   

The crypto winter that began earlier this year with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has turned into a disaster with the recent FTX crash. While the ultimate fate of FTX and its creditors is not yet decided completely, it is not all doom and gloom. Telcos may have a significant chance to jump in and take […]

Down the Rabbit Hole of Software Defined Networking

Nothing ever remains as it is; everything changes and evolves. And with the world changing and relying increasingly on technology, organizations’ needs are expanding, compelling technologies requiring substantially more computing resources, labor, and planning to operate correctly. Experts developed and applied the advantages of software defined networking (SDN) technology to breach that gap. SDN technology […]

MyMonty: A Banking Arm for the Underserved

“MyMonty is a life project. Building a bank is a very complex endeavor. It will become the flagship of the Monty Finance brand. This means added responsibility while focusing on the team’s passion and accepting challenges wholeheartedly,” Cesar Jabr, Deputy CEO, Monty Holding What is MyMonty’s scope of activity? The financial company’s sole focus is […]

The Horn of Africa in the Face of Famine

The horn of Africa is starving. Forecasts are indicating an underwhelming rainy season for the last month of 2022. Famine in African countries has reached its fifth consecutive dry season in significant parts of Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya. This year is the driest in 70 years, putting millions of lives in danger of starvation by […]

Amazon’s Cloud Unit Wants to Widen Appeal of Cashier-Less Tech Inc hopes to interest a wider range of industries in the technology it developed for cashier-less checkout at brick-and-mortar shops, a vice president said. In recent years, the e-commerce company has opened stores without cashiers in which cameras and sensors determine what shoppers take and bill them after they exit. Since 2020, it has […]