Search results for "elections"

Where the Biggest Lies Will Come from in 2024

The Israel Palestine conflict has reopened one of society’s widest and deepest latter-day schisms, augmented by ghastly truths such as Hellfire R9X missiles, and grisly lies like beheaded babies. Even people far away from the region find themselves passionately fighting with friends and family over who represents good and evil. Because everyone, near and far, […]

EC Cyber-breach a Sign of Things to Come?

The UK’s Electoral Commission (EC) has come clean about a cyber-security breach between 2021 and 2022 that laid bare the data of 40 million voters. This cyber-breach happened around the same time the EC’s systems failed a cyber-security test. The EC is not a government institution per se, but a government-backed independent body. It oversees […]

Heavyweights Musk and Zuckerberg Head the Bill

Sorry, but that headline should read ‘head to the hill’ not ‘head the bill’. Because that’s where Elon and Mark are going. To Capitol Hill, to advise the lawmakers on how to deal with AI. But given their recent, rather silly pugilistic proclamations about a cage fight, what do you expect? So what could be […]