Search results for "ai systems"

5G Security Features Merging With IoT

The 5G-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) is groundbreaking in terms of growth in effectiveness and capability. Even though some may argue that 5G is still in its young phases, others already hail and talk about 6G. The mobile networking system offers a lot of features that are not only useful for mobile communications only. 5G […]

Elon Musk and The Twitter Mob Saga

Elon Musk finalized his takeover of Twitter. Avoiding a legal showdown with the company after Twitter sued him to honor the deal he made. Musk previously tried to back out of the value. But now it is all in the past, and Musk is the owner of Twitter. There are many hints on how Musk […]

AdvaMed Medtech Conference 2022: Here’s What You Need to Know

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) is an American medical device trade association. Based in Washington, D.C, it is the world’s largest technology association, including device, diagnostics, and digital technology manufacturers. The AdvaMed MedTech Conference 2022 was one of their most anticipated events this year. From top executives to innovators, the attendees team up to […]

China’s Huawei Slows Its Long Decline Under U.S. Sanctions as Revenues Improve

China’s Huawei Technologies reported modest revenue growth for a second quarter on Thursday, citing steady growth in its ICT infrastructure business as it finds its footing after U.S. sanctions knocked its once mighty handset business. Huawei posted revenue of 445.8 billion yuan ($62.03 billion)for the first three quarters, 10 billion yuan less than it saw […]

Disruptive Innovation in the Energy Sector

Disruptive technologies emerged in the energy sectors, rapidly changing the global energy landscape. A technology that creates new business models disrupting the traditional one is referred to as a disruptive technology, as per Clayton Christensen, the man behind the naming. Such disruptive innovation in the energy sector can spark a revolution in technological capabilities, digital […]

Ethical Companies That Might Not be Ethical

Companies invest decades in improving their reputation and uphold ethical practices. A single scandal or a corrupt corporate culture, however, might permanently harm the company’s reputation. In other cases a company might strive to build a certain brand but in the background could be deeply involved in unethical practices. In this article we are going […]

4 Types of Rewards Fraud and How to Prevent Them

For businesses, customer loyalty is the key to success. The cost of attracting a new customer is five times greater than the cost of retaining an existing customer. Companies offer incentives such as loyalty programs and rewards to encourage customers to remain loyal to your brand. But what happens when an enemy is emerging, lurking in the shadows? […]

How CSPs Can Get the Most from Their Data

Improving customer experience, developing sensible new products, and increasing customer loyalty – these are the important goals for telecommunication providers, and they have one thing in common: Essential prerequisites for achieving them are data and data analysis. Data forms the basis for a better understanding of customers, their behavior, and their current and future needs. […]

Best Energy Efficient Gadgets to Save Electricity

We now have to consider more carefully how we use household appliances, charge our electric cars, and heat and cool our homes due to the rising cost of living. While investing in brand-new smart home equipment may not be the best course of action for everyone right now, there are a number of household items […]

An Overview of the Optus Infotech Hack

Australian telecom giant, Optus, fell victim to a hack. Exposing nearly 2.1 million of its current and previous clients suffered a data leak of their personal and critical information. With at least one form of their identification number leaked due to the breach. Optus infotech has already started its quest to try and save itself. […]