“You can dance, you can jive. Having the time of your life”, well, you don’t even have to be human.
Let me introduce you to South Korea‘s robot, Zaein, or as I would like to call her Z, one of SK’s most active virtual humans.
Z’s face is deepfake and her body is not technically hers because it belongs to a team of actors who happen to be of similar size. Z is a do-it-all robot: she sings, reads the news and sells luxury clothes on TV.
It should come as no shock to discover Z is designed to meet the interests of South Korean’s. This fact will make Z desired by the people because she is feeding them with what they enjoy and can relate to most.
Z was created by Pulse9, an artificial intelligence company, working on creating the perfect employee which is fulfilling corporate dreams. South Korea’s largest conglomerates such as Samsung, LG, and SK Group had their digital humans created by Pulse9.
According to the companies’ predictions, by 2030, the global market for digital humans or what they call life-like creations will reach $527 billion.
AI humans in the country, such as South Korea’s robot, Zaein, have already begun to do human-like activities, such as enrolling in universities, interning at companies, and having regular tv appearances to sell products that range from food to luxury handbags.

Park Ji-eun, the company’s CEO stated that “we’re working on developing the technology to broaden AI human use.”
Park continues to explain that the virtual human can, in fact, do what humans carry out but on a higher level. She added that at the current level of AI technology, human aid is still needed today.
The demand in South Korea for AI humanoids began with the objective to create a virtual idol in the K-pop industry. The idea behind the virtual idol is an artist not prone to scandals and capable of working 24/7 to keep up with the hard–driving music agencies’ standards.
Pulse 9 is broadening the roles of AI humans and integrating them into society in order to showcase the fact that humans and human AI can coexist, according to Park.
Z’s K-pop Face
Z was created for K-pop purposes, yet she was able to do multiple things at once. Her face was created by deep learning analysis. Z was created to have doe eyes features. Psychologically this allows people to trust and love.
More than 10 human actors were on a team with different talents that came together to add their final touches to Zaein. These talents ranged from singing, dancing, to reporting.
Real or Fake
Park Ji-eun highlighted that today, they still need humans to create human AI, such as South Korea’s robot. The only time when humans will not be needed is when human AI are able to process and create other human AI manifestations.
Since ChatGPT debuted at the end of last year, the possibilities and possible dangers of AI have gained enormous attention in recent months.
Many nations are pursuing regulation of the potent, yet dangerous creation, after experts from all over the world, including pioneers in artificial intelligence, have spoken out about its hazards.
Park, however, is unconcerned. For South Korean conglomerates, which are finding it harder and harder to fill customer-facing positions in the nation with a low birthrate, an organization such as Park’s, is developing new virtual idols, influencers, and sales representatives.
Park said that, when used properly, the technology may add to “the richness of life,” but that South Korea — and the rest of the globe — needs better, clearer restrictions on what it can and cannot do.
This is all fun and games, but the real underlying question is, ‘will AI humans begin to reproduce in their own scientific ways after they have attended universities, gotten internships, and secured their jobs? Or will this aid in human societal and cultural extinction, and laziness?
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