Cybersecurity Solutions

The Impact of Website Hacks and How to Prevent Them

The prevalence of website hacks has reached an alarming level, which makes us  question the fate of our own data. Understanding the repercussions of a website breach is crucial to safeguarding our personal information and upholding our online security.  The Consequences of a Website Breach:  When a website falls victim to hackers, they gain unauthorized […]

Your Network Needs to Be Prepared, Not Just Resilient

Given the trend toward distant experiences, COVID-19 has emphasized the significance of communications and the requirement for a robust infrastructure to enable a seamless experience. According to a recent research by EY titled “Top 10 risks in telecommunications,” the industry’s biggest challenge is failing to maintain network resilience in a post-pandemic environment. All telecoms in […]

Reflecting on The Uber Data Breach

Recently an Uber data breach became known, and users of the app worldwide were shocked when they found out about the hack. Uber faced significant challenges during these harsh times, trying to keep it behind the public eye for as much as possible. Uber remains operational, but at what cost? What can we learn from […]