A U.S. Senate Judiciary subcommittee overseeing technology issues will hold a hearing Tuesday on Chinese hacking incidents
The European Union (EU) published the Code of Practice for general-purpose AI (GPAI)’s first draft providers, offering guidance on compliance
On November 13, American agencies confirmed a China hacker US attack campaign against telecom providers, exposing sensitive law enforcement.
China-linked hackers have intercepted surveillance data intended for American law enforcement agencies after breaking
Deloitte survey of 1.2K global industry leaders revealed that 52% were “very confident” in their boards’ manage cybersecurity responsibility.
GSMA and UK Finance convened mobile operators and banks in the UK to deliver Scam Signal, a new solution to combat fraud.
On October 16, TCL and T-Mobile launched the TCL LINKPORT IK511, a 5G RedCap device with plug-and-play 5G connectivity via USB-C.
On November 7, Chinese hackers administered a telecom hack on Donald Trump’s lead attorney’s phone, Todd Blanche.
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd., Singtel, the country's largest mobile carrier, suffered a major ‘Singtel hack’ cyberattack back in June.
DeathStalker group targeted sensitive information in the fintech and trading sectors through the exploitation of Telegram malware