China's capital Beijing passed new regulations on Tuesday to encourage autonomous driving technology in the city.
Driverless Cars
IoT in transportation is already taking over. IoT for automotive involves connecting things through embedded sensors, actuators, and other gadgets that collect and send information about actual activities. The transportation industry is transforming due to the use of IoT-enabled technology. IoT can address many problems in the transportation industry, but it may also face challenges. […]
At a vast warehouse in the southern Dutch city of Roosendaal, automated cranes and driverless vehicles silently stack clothes for the French and Italian stores of retailer Primark, reducing the need for hard-to-come-by labour. With goods packed more densely up to its roof, the new warehouse, which spans the size of over 15 football fields, […]
On a busy downtown street, three delivery bikes suddenly dart over the pedestrian crossing ahead of the car. On the car’s dashboard, they look like small 3D blue blocks from a 1990s video game. The steering wheel turns itself a notch and the vehicle slows to a gentle halt, while the safety driver looks on […]