Inside Telecom

WhatsApp’s new privacy policy: Give us your data or delete the app

In a controversial move, popular instant messaging app WhatsApp have changed their privacy policy to allow Facebook – its parent company – to forcefully collect private user data such as phone numbers, payment info, location, and more. Users who refuse to comply with the updated policy – that will come into effect as of February […]

Mohanned Alosta, CEO of Libyana Telecom

How has Libyana handled the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic? What were the main challenges? And how were they met? The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted the entire world, we, at Libyana, faced challenging issues on both the service providing and operation sides; however, we find ourselves in the right direction facing all of them. […]

Three crucial lessons startups learned during the pandemic

Supply and demand are basic concepts in business. Startups and the workforce that fuels them are quite aware that a business must provide value to their customers if they are to continue and grow, and this truth has never been more clear than in the past year as we learned during the pandemic. But what […]

Ooredoo Maldives launches 5G services and broadband

Ooredoo’s Maldives branch announced the rollout of its 5G commercial services within the country, covering a large percentage of the capital city of Male, including key business hubs, hospitals, public spaces and more. The announcement was made during an event celebrating the company’s start within the 5G era, as it also launched its 5G AirFibre […]

A changing workforce during Covid: the top trends of 2021

Covid-19 was the major theme throughout 2020. It tested the fortitude of governments, companies, economies, and individuals alike in the face against a radical disruption that heavily touched the way we live our lives on every level. As with any sudden shift in global lifestyle, there have been those who have painfully adapted, while others […]

How telcos can improve their customer service

It’s no mystery that telecoms is a highly competitive industry, with telcos offering everything from better minutes, data, packages, and the like at lower costs to lure in customers to their networks over the other. While these strategies have been implemented far and wide to increase subscriber counts, they aren’t as viable in today’s competitive […]

The case for net neutrality

Humankind is slowly transcending into a new reality ushered in by the tidal wave of technological advancements that are developing on a day-to-day basis. The fifth generation of mobile networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), etc.…; these techs and their acronyms could easily fill an entire […]

Myth busting: Are contactless payments safe?

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more inclined toward digital payments, shying away from the exchange of hard currency due to our newfound hygiene awareness; it is here that contactless payments have quickly become the new norm. In Europe, Germans are increasingly ditching cash for hygiene reasons, according to Initiative Deutsche Zahlungssysteme e.V, a payment […]

Mazen Mroue, Chief Operating Officer at MTN Nigeria

How have you focused on expansion in the market? We believe everyone deserves the benefits of a modern, connected life. This is the philosophy that drives our expansion strategy. We are focused on strategies that help us achieve sustainable results and ensure that people remain connected through our voice and data service offerings. Our expansion […]