On Friday, September 6, Pavel Durov, Telegram CEO and founder, announced that Telegram is updating and rolling out a range of features.
A revolution is happening in the world of digital music, a new Meta Spotify collaboration is paving the way for a new digital music feature.
Meta CEO addressed a letter revealing that White House officials violated some Facebook free speech rights concerning COVID-19 content.
At the SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 event, Nvidia’s series of AI announcements revealed new tools and technologies, all in collaboration with Meta.
In July, Meta launched a web crawler called Meta External Agent to scrape public data check for AI training.
Meta Platforms has a social media moderation system for Arabic but not Hebrew content, complicating moderation amid Israeli-Palestinian war.
In Australia, social media platforms have become a significant region news source for many, with over 40% of users.
Meta Platforms is said to be outperforming other social media platforms with their digital advertising techniques or their target weekly ad.
Meta launched in the US its latest AI release, AI Studio, giving users the opportunity to create and share custom AI characters.
The U.S. DoJ has expressed worries that TikTok, under its current Chinese ownership, could secretly influence this year’s American elections.