On Thursday September 12, new US sanctions on Russia targeting any IT support to Russia came into force, following its announcement.
GRU, a cyber group backed by the Russian military intelligence, issuing cyberattacks and targeting EU and NATO member countries.
On Friday, September 6, Pavel Durov, Telegram CEO and founder, announced that Telegram is updating and rolling out a range of features.
A drop of 11% in Bitcoin has taken place in the past 24 hours, leading to an overall sinking value in the crypto selloff.
U.S. Treasury Secretary warns countries are drifting away from the US, as they lean towards digital currencies, with dollar collapse.
Facing severe manpower shortages, Ukraine's 250 defense startups are developing advanced unmanned vehicles in hidden sites against Russia.
The US DoJ announced the halt of a Russian operation that created AI fake social media accounts to secretly broadcast.
The rapid rise of AI has sparked a heated debate over whether AI should be regulated, as technology becomes more powerful.
Following a request from the Russia’s communication regulator Roskomnadzor, Apple has removed 25 VPN applications from the App Store.
OpenAI influence revealed its success in stopping five covert influence operations conducted by Russia, China, and Iran.