Who’s Kidding Who? We’ve been seeing a lot of media attention recently about OpenAI, Google, Anthropic and Meta putting limits on AI to protect the electoral process this year, so that the ‘will of the people shall be served’ (jeez, I nearly typed ‘severed’ there!). OpenAI will stop its tools from pretending to be human, […]
The Missile Defense Agency and the Space Development Agency have deployed satellites to protect American ones against Hypersonic missiles.
Russia dismissed US warning about the new Russian nuclear capability in space, calling it a "malicious fabrication" and a White House trick
Classified intelligence reveals Russia’s ongoing efforts to develop and deploy space-based nuclear weapons, which are threats to the peace in space.
Biden’s proposed regulation forces cloud service providers to report their foreign clients if suspicious AI-related activity is detected.
DragonFire laser, aptly named, is a high-powered laser weapon that’s a cheaper alternative to missiles used for air defense.
During a Vladimir Putin Q&A session on Thursday, December 14, 2023, AI generated “deepfake” of the Russian President Putin appeared.
The U.S. spearheaded an agreement with 30 nations to voluntarily regulate military AI. But India, Russia, and China were nowhere in sight.
The aerospace giant Boeing was under attack from Boeing. It confirmed that its distribution and part division were cyberattacked.
The U.S. has imposed numerous sanctions on Russia and China as part of its American strategies, citing national security. But is it really?