1. The United Kingdom is to review the role Huawei has in its 5G networks.
Huawei had previously been given a limited role in providing equipment for the superfast mobile network, but this could now change.
2. Australia’s ‘Covidsafe’ app has faded into insignificance just one month after its launch.
The contact tracing app reportedly only helped identify one person with Covid-19 and has diminished in importance as the country’s economy re-opens – according to The Guardian.
3. In a new poll, more than 40% of Republicans say they think Bill Gates wants to use COVID-19 vaccines to implant location-tracking microchips in recipients.
Gates, who has donated $300 million to coronavirus vaccine efforts, has become the target of online conspiracy theorists and conservative pundits over his coronavirus vaccination efforts.
4. Elon Musk’s Boring Company has finished the tunneling for its Tesla-powered people mover in Las Vegas.
The Boring Company completed the second of two tunnels underneath Las Vegas’ convention center.
5. Chinese tech company Qihoo 360 has slammed the US government for ‘politicizing business’ after it imposed export sanctions on 33 more Chinese companies and government institutions.
Anti-virus software company Qihoo 360 said it opposed the action.
6. Doctors in UK hospitals are now using headsets from Microsoft to reduce the amount of staff coming into contact with COVID-19 patients.
The HoloLens headsets allow doctors to share their point of view with colleagues remotely, while also showing holographic projections to the doctor wearing the headset.
7. A robot barista that takes orders, makes coffee, and delivers drinks to customers is being used in South Korea to help with social distancing.
The new robot can take orders, make 60 different types of coffee, and serve drinks to customers at their seats.
8. Drones will help to supply protective equipment to a hospital on a remote Scottish island.
The 10-mile journey between mainland Oban and the Isle of Mull usually involves a road trip and a 45-minute ferry, should take only 15 minutes.
9. A 5G mast in Derbyshire, England was set on fire just days after it was erected.
Attacks on 5G masts have been fueled by a conspiracy theory wrongly linking 5G and coronavirus.
10. A Canadian e-commerce startup raised $2 million entirely over Zoom to offer try-before-you-buy fashion during coronavirus.
The try-before-you-buy fashion startup has fast-tracked its launch process with Covid-19 closing physical clothes stores across North America.