Stephen Wolfram, Counsels Philosophers to Question AI’s Philosophy, Tech Crunch Says

Mathematician and scientist Stephen Wolfram, known for his computational theory, accentuated the need for philosophical inquiry around human AI interaction, advocating for examination of AI’s ethical and philosophical effects, he told Tech Crunch.
Wolfram, who developed computational tools Mathematica, Wolfram Alpha, and the Wolfram Language, began his career as a prodigy, publishing his first scientific paper at 15 years old and earning a Ph.D. from Caltech by 20.
As AI developers battle with the intersection of human cognition and machine learning, Wolfram reasons that the issues at stake are fundamentally philosophical.
“The question is what do you think about, and that’s a different kind of question, and it’s a question that’s found more in traditional philosophy than it is in the traditional STEM,” he told TechCrunch.
Wolfram warns that as AI continues to grow, we face complex moral decisions that echo age-old philosophical debates. He has engaged in “horrifying discussions” with companies deploying AI without fully considering its broader societal impact.
“You would be shocked at the extent to which people are not thinking clearly about these issues,” he said, underscoring the need for philosophical rigor in AI development.
Wolfram’s observations point to a “golden age of philosophy” driven by AI’s takeover, where traditional philosophical questions about ethics, morality, and governance become more pressing.
“If the AIs run the world, how do we want them to do that? How do we think about that process?” he asked, highlighting the vitality of integrating philosophical perspectives into the discussion.
Stephen’s perspective resonated with students at Ralston College in Savannah, Georgia, where Wolfram recently spoke about the convergence of technology and liberal arts. Rumi Allbert, a student in the program, remarked that “it’s very, very interesting that a guy like Dr. Wolfram has such an interest in philosophy, and I think that speaks to the volume of importance of philosophy and the humanistic approach to life.”
Wolfram’s call for philosophical inquiry in human AI interaction, suggesting that addressing these questions is of great significant for the responsible development and application of AI technology. In Wolfram’s eyes, philosophy must meet technology to guide the future of AI and set the needed rules for human AI interaction.