Search results for "cryptocurrencies"

How Cryptocurrencies can Improve Economic Empowerment

Crypto can enable financial inclusion and economic empowerment across the globe in many areas where financial services are either lacking or even  corrupted. Users of crypto can bypass some international and banking restrictions and even have an alternative to storing and saving money. As it stands today, crypto is the wild west. However, large global […]

What the Future holds for Cryptocurrencies

The crypto market has had a disastrous first half of 2022. Bitcoin and ethereum have dropped by more than half since their all-time highs in late 2021. While there have been some tiny gains in recent weeks, the cryptocurrency market as a whole remains relatively stagnant. While no one knows for certain, some analysts believe […]

U.S. President Biden Executive Order on Cryptocurrencies

In the past year, centralized and decentralized currencies alike witnessed extensive market growth, and their popularity among the public has grown along the way. On March 9, 2022, U.S. President Joe Biden issued an executive order on cryptocurrencies, sketching an inclusive governmental approach to deal with probable risks related to the significant evolution in digital assets, emphasizing cryptocurrencies.  […]

Cuba to recognize and regulate cryptocurrencies

Cuba’s government said Thursday it will recognize — and regulate — cryptocurrencies for payments on the island. A resolution published in the Official Gazette said the Central Bank will set rules for such currencies and determine how to license providers of related services within Cuba. The popularity of such currencies has grown among a technologically […]