Search results for "pharma"

Process Analytical Technology: Reshaping the Pharmaceutical Industry

Process analytical technology initiative was created in 2004 by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), aiming to decrease public health risks associated with manufacturing pharmaceutical products. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the pharmaceutical industry has seen immense demand, leading to unprecedented production. A better understanding of the production process at every level proved necessary to achieve […]

What is the difference between Biotech and Pharma?

The merger between medicine and technology has been on the rise for quite some time, and exponential development in integrating the digital world with the medical one has grown on various frontiers. So, what is the difference between Biotech and Pharma? Biotechnology companies focus on producing medicine originated from living organisms, while pharmaceutical medications are […]

How hackers target pharma and hinder vaccine distribution

If one stops to think about those affected by cyberattacks and malicious online activities, pharmaceutical companies and medical manufacturers are not the first victims that spring to mind. However, all the smoke from the global pandemic and the race for better healthcare and vaccine manufacturing has attracted some unwanted attention as hackers target pharma companies […]

The challenges of pharmaceutical logistics amid the pandemic

Finding a vaccine is only half the battle; global supply chains and pharmaceutical logistics face many unprecedented challenges amid the pandemic. A logistical supply system capable of overcoming distribution pitfalls needs to be robust, sturdy, innovative, smart, interconnected, and transparent. In regard to the global supply networks, The World Economic Forum said, “Governments, businesses and […]

How pharmaceutical industry digitization can help beat COVID-19

The pandemic has hit countless industries in ways that few were prepared to handle, disrupting global production and supply chains with devastating results. Pharmaceutical companies are among the worst hit, at a time when the fast and efficient manufacturing and procurement of pharmaceutical drugs is essential. However, pharmaceutical industry digitization may just hold the answer. […]