AI Assistant Leo Is Coming to the Brave Browser for iOS

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Web browser company, Brave, revealed on Wednesday that its AI assistant, Leo will be integrated into iOS devices.

This move follows the AI assistant’s successful deployment on Android and desktop platforms. It offers a variety of capabilities, such as answering inquiries, summarizing web pages, and generating content. This makes it a versatile utility for users.

The iOS version of Leo includes voice-to-text functionality. This feature enables users to voice their questions or speak the commands directly to the AI. The assistant will then be able to transcribe these spoken words into texts. The design simplifies the interaction between the AI assistant and the users, as it removes the hassle of typing, making it easier and more user-friendly to communicate with Leo.

The AI assistant’s capabilities go beyond simple queries. It can summarize web pages or videos, generate professional reports, translate, or rewrite texts, transcribe audio or video content, as well as write code. By integrating Leo directly into its browser, Brave aims to provide users with a more powerful AI tool that will enrich their online experience. This strategy not only enhances the utility of the browser but also reduces the likelihood of users seeking out alternative AI-powered services, such as ChatGPT, since it is offering an all-in-one solution.

Leo is powered by cutting-edge language learning models (LLMs) including Anthropic’s Mixtral 8x7B, Claude Instant, and Meta’s Llama 2 13B, providing a comprehensive AI experience. With Mixtral 8x7B set as the default engine, Leo ensures robust performance. However, users are not limited to just one option, as they have the freedom to choose from other available LLMs or upgrade to Leo Premium for $14.99 a month, which offers enhanced features and higher usage limits.

Brave’s introduction of Leo to iOS users is a significant advancement in the integration and accessibility of AI tools for daily online activities. This initiative is part of a broader trend among browser companies to push in AI assistants within their platforms, demonstrated by Opera’s development of Aria, an AI assistant created in partnership with OpenAI. This reflects a growing movement towards making sophisticated AI technologies an integral part of the web browsing experience.

Leo is now accessible to all iOS users with version 1.63 of the Brave browser, offering a user-friendly approach to engaging with the AI assistant. To interact with Leo, users only have to type into the address bar and select “Ask Leo.” For individuals who may not wish to utilize this feature, deactivating Leo is simple and can be done via the app’s settings, allowing users to customize their browsing experience according to their preferences.

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