Inside Telecom Staff

We’re a diverse group of industry professionals from all corners of the world. Our desire is to provide a high-quality telecoms publication that caters to an international market, offering the latest and most relevant telecoms information to businesses, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts.

US-European ocean monitoring satellite launches into orbit

A U.S.-European satellite designed to extend a decades-long measurement of global sea surface heights was launched into Earth orbit from California on Saturday. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the satellite blasted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 9:17 a.m. and arced southward over the Pacific Ocean. The Falcon’s first stage flew back to […]

Risk Mitigation: What it is and how to implement it?

One of the major aspects that most businesses tend to put behind their backs is risk management and mitigation. It is a serious matter that cannot be ignored at any cost. Los Angeles IT consulting recommends being proactive about risk management and get started with risk mitigation so that any threat to the business can […]

US safety agency seeks input on autonomous vehicle rules

The U.S. government’s road safety agency is asking for public comment on how it should regulate safe deployment of self-driving vehicles. Seeking public comment is an early step in drawing up possible regulations, but that process takes years and could be changed by the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden. About 60 companies are already […]

BuzzFeed buying HuffPost from Verizon for undisclosed price

BuzzFeed is buying HuffPost from Verizon as part of a bigger deal that has the wireless giant investing in the digital-media company. BuzzFeed and Verizon did not disclose terms of the deal. Verizon will be a minority shareholder in BuzzFeed and the two companies will partner on content and ads. A downturn in advertising due […]

Huawei: Renewed hope for 5G expansion plans

Trump’s administration sanctions on Huawei has put the company under challenges. The United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Japan among others decided to stop working with the Chinese telecom giant. However, Huawei has shown greater optimism after Joe Biden wins US presidential election. “When there is a change in government, there is always the opportunity to […]

Kevin Taylor MBE - Indigo Telecom Group Chairman

This year has been a rollercoaster ride for industries far and wide, the most notable being the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on economies, governments, and companies alike. For many, financial numbers and results dipped, projects were cancelled, and investments stopped dead in their tracks as the world’s population took refuge in their homes. While […]

Apple to cut app store fees as legal scrutiny intensifies

Apple will cut its app store commissions in half for most developers beginning next year amid an intensifying debate about whether the iPhone maker has been using the fees to unfairly fatten its profits and stifle rivals competing against its own music, video, and other subscription services. The concession announced Wednesday will lower Apple’s commissions […]

Telia Carrier Beefs Up US Network, Adding New Connectivity Options to the ‘Silicon Prairie’ Region

Telia Carrier announced today that it has added another new diverse and latency-optimized DWDM route in the U.S., between Chicago and Denver via Des Moines, IA and Omaha, NE. The expansion is part of the company’s ongoing organic buildout of its North American network and commitment to provide customers both direct and diverse route options. […]

i3forum Insights Expands Its Data Sets to Give International Carriers a 360 View of the Voice Market

 i3forum, a not-for-profit industry body enabling and accelerating transformation across the carrier ecosystem, has added direct traffic data to i3forum Insights, its comprehensive market database for international voice services. The feature will enable international carriers to plan, optimise and benchmark their voice businesses with access to both wholesale and bilateral traffic data.  The addition of […]