Ashish Jain

Ashish Jain is the co-founder of, a publication that acts as the information gateway innovations related to Private Cellular Networks. He is also the CEO of KAIROS Pulse, a technology marketing and sales enablement company focused on networking technologies, IoT, Edge, and Cloud communications. Ashish has more than 20 years of experience in the fixed and wireless industry. He has successfully led growth strategies for complex telecom software, enterprise networking, and cloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, generating over $100M in revenue. A technology and marketing enthusiast with the capability to align complex ideas into simple business values, Ashish is a thought leader and evangelist in private networks, 5G, fixed and wireless networks, Software-Defined Networking, IoT, AI, AR, and Cloud communication industry. He is a regular contributor to many leading publications and regularly speaks at leading industry events. Ashish is a host and producer of the “ALYNMENT” podcast that shares authentic and thought-provoking perspectives on tech2biz alignment challenges.

Healthcare Gets a Shot in the Arm from Cellular

The healthcare industry is moving ahead quickly with 5G usage and the deployment of private networks. Medical facilities, practitioners, and staff have discovered the many advantages of secure, high-speed networks that make their jobs more efficient and their patients’ visits more manageable. Why Put in a Private Network When You Already Have Wi-Fi? Medical facilities […]

5G Provides Utilities New Opportunities

5G core networks powering digitalization are helping industries cut costs, bring in new sources of revenue, and expand their business offerings. The utility sector is one such vertical, evolving from a labor-intensive organization that provides electricity, water, or gas, to one that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and drones to inspect equipment and offers additional services […]