Few things are as rage inducing as broadband speed with a sporadic sleeping schedule, or internet with an attitude.
You are in the middle of an online meeting and suddenly everyone is frozen making stupid faces or cutting off mid-sentence.
Before you smash your electronic device in misplaced fury, make sure to scratch all the following steps off your list of possible reasons your internet is slow. If nothing works, then you may proceed with smashing.
Disable Background Apps: Whatever browser or operating system you are using, make sure no apps are running in the background, as they could be sapping your internet speed. Look up how to check for background running apps in your specific device and follow the steps to disable them.
Clear the space of interference: Many devices and electronic components can interfere with your router and hinder your broadband speed. Try placing your router as far away as possible from TVs, monitors, speakers, electric switch dimmers, baby monitors, halogen lamps, cordless phones.
Also, physical barriers made of concrete, metal, or mirrors can also cause interference. Test broadband speed after removing them to see the difference.
This is among the most common reasons for slow Wi-Fi. Also, you can buy a broadband accelerator and filter device for your router. Look it up, it helps.
Wire up: Chances are your electronic devices are running on Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is notorious for giving a much weaker broadband connection than the fiber broadband’s actual strength. Find your nearest Ethernet cable and plug it in. But keep in mind the following:
- Cut out the middleman: If you plug your router directly into your phone socket without using an extension lead, it could boost your connectivity. If you must use an extender then make sure it’s a new, and high-quality wire. Also keep it short. Long winding wires can slow things down.
- Try to exclude Ethernet extenders: Extenders and powerline adapters are known to slash any good ethernet cable connection due to interruptions and interference.
- Upgrade your router: If you’re still using the same router after four or more years it is high time to change it, and there are likely much better options for a good price out there.
Contact your ISP: If all else fails, call your provider. Even the best broadband provider can have hiccups in their connection. They should be able to walk you through what to do and help you discover what the problem is. Hopefully, the problem with your broadband speed does not include any infrastructural issues.
Bonus: There is probably a setting in your operating system that allows you to make your connection much more efficient by increasing your MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). Here is a great tutorial on how to do that.
Don’t be repulsed by all the technical talk, just follow along step by step. Or you can Google it.