Amazon is giving easy access to poison on its platform, and this is encouraging suicide and creating space for generating harmful content online.
After Chloe Macdermott, 43, took her own life with the aid of Amazon we have so many questions that need to be answered. Macdermott, bought a deadly toxin from Amazon US and had it shipped to the UK in the easiest viable way.
Coroner Paul Roger said that Macdermott, before buying the deadly toxin, made a suicidal pact with two strangers that she met online. This was mentioned earlier this month, at the Inner West London Coroner’s Court when an inquest was held.
After recording a suicide, Coroner Paul Roger sent a report to Google and Amazon about preventing deaths in the future and expressed his belief that they could avert such tragedies. He continued to state about the platform Ms. Macdermott has used with her pact, – “encourage suicide, assist it by provision of information about suicide methods, counsel suicide by providing information about it and thereby potentially facilitate the commission of a criminal offence”.
Mr. Roger stated that, “No age or other restrictions are in place to prevent access to children, vulnerable teenagers and vulnerable adults. Posts are made by users containing details of methods of suicide without any effective administration to remove such harmful content.”
Who Should Be Held Accountable?
The availability of such harmful content online raises serious concerns. No evidence remains as to the type of toxin it was. It makes sense that Amazon offers products to make your life easier, but you might not be aware that the company also sells poisons that can end your life.
Another party that is to be blamed for is UK customs. Aren’t things delivered from abroad searched before heading to the prime delivery location? How can this product be delivered this effortlessly without any questions and concerns?
UK customs are another party that needs to take responsibility. Before being delivered to the best location, don’t items that are shipped from overseas get checked? How is it possible for this product to be delivered so smoothly, without any queries or worries? Mr. Roger continued to add that poison can be ordered online and sent “without effective border and/or custom controls” to Britons.
Within 56 days, Google and Amazon must reply outlining their plan to stop future fatalities as well as a timeline for doing so.
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