Clubhouse enforces safety measures to protect Afghan users

U.S.- based audio chat app Clubhouse announced earlier this week safety measures to protect Afghan users living in the Taliban-ruled country.
As the Taliban regained control in Afghanistan earlier this month, many residents tried to delete photos from their social media accounts and phones showing any connection to the West, or the former Afghan government.
In response, Clubhouse sent Afghan users a message to inform them about the new changes; “in light of the situation in Afghanistan and with guidance from experts, we’ve made some changes to your account. We noticed you haven’t been active, so for your safety, we’ve removed your photo and bio, and made you account harder to find.”
Additionally, the platform informed users that they can add back any information to their profiles they consider is safe for sharing.
Afghan users wanting their accounts to be discoverable again, Clubhouse asked these users to send a support request by tapping on the message and mentioning the word “Afghanistan.”
Clubhouse also reminded its users in the country that it does allow fictitious names for human rights or safety purposes.
The move follows other social media company’s tactics to protect Afghan users amid the Taliban control over the country.
Earlier last week, Facebook announced new security measures for users in the Taliban occupied-country that allow them to quickly lock their accounts.
The social media network also confirmed on Tuesday that the Taliban’s content will remain banned on Facebook, as the group is considered a dangerous terrorist organization.
However, Twitter – considered the Taliban’s tool to update followers over their retaking of Afghanistan – has failed to follow suit with its counterparts.
Even though, Twitter’s spokesperson told CNBC that its terms do not allow groups promoting terrorism or violence against civilians.