Instagram replaces swipe-up feature with link stickers


Users on Instagram who boast more than 10,000 followers enjoy a multitude of features that aren’t available for the average user. The most prominent feature is the swipe up link, famous for redirecting users to external webpages.

However, things have shifted, as the social media giant is saying adieu to the feature as it introduces link stickers.

Starting August 30th, the swipe-up link will be replaced with stickers that replicate the same purpose when clicked on.

The Verge got in touch with Instagram, who confirmed the withdrawal of the swipe-up link feature to “streamline the stories creation experience” and provide users with a more “creative control,” as audiences can switch up the stickers’ design to their liking, unlike the swipe up feature.

YouTuber Sam Sheffer revealed a message sent from Instagram to certain users with a large number of following, explaining the new feature.

Instagram’s former head of product, Vishal Shah, informed The Verge that the stickers are more oriented towards the way the platform is utilized. Shah also explained that the aim was to ensure the accessibility to stickers for all users.

However, up until now, the new feature will only be available to those who already had the benefit of the swipe up feature. Instagram is currently evaluating rolling the feature to everyone through this update, which will “help us determine whether it’s the right decision before expanding access to more people,” a spokesperson told The Verge.