Reboot Your Devices Weekly to Avoid Exploitation 

The NSA advise iPhone and Android users to reboot their phones once per week, to prevent their devices from being exploited. 

The National Security Agency (NSA) advise iPhone and Android users to reboot their phones once per week, to prevent their devices from being exploited. 

When people were asked how often they power off their devices and turn them on again, most of the answers were only when a software or security system required an update.  

For the NSA this habit could put users’ devices at a high risk. 

Anti- Devices Infiltration Practices 

The NSA has recently published a document listing the best practices for iPhone and Android users devices protection. In the document, it recommends users to turn off their devices and then on every week to protect users from being exploited by zero-click technology. 

Often used by attackers to infiltrate devices without the need for any interaction from the user, this technology enables them to spy on them and gather data. 

Rebooting devices on a weekly basis could also help in reducing spear-phishing threats that can lead to the installation of additional malware, as well as spyware. It is true that applying such practice reduces the risk, but doesn’t eliminate the success of attacks just yet, according to the NSA. 

“Threats to mobile devices are more prevalent and increasing in scope and complexity,” the NSA emphasized that despite some smartphone features seeming to be convenient, they can still breach security. So, it is always better to take additional measures when it comes to protecting devices and data. 

Additional Layer of Protection 

The National Security Agency (NSA) offers more recommendations that aim to protect iPhone and Android users devices from being infiltrated or hacked, such as turning off Bluetooth when not needed, doing the updates required as soon as possible, and disable locations. As long as these features are enabled on the devices without being used, the device could be more at risk of threats. 

These recommendations emphasize the importance of the balance between security and data.  

The NSA also warns users not to use public Wi-Fi Networks and charging stations because they’re not safe. 

Final Thoughts 

It is true that these steps to protect the devices are highly significant, as they give an additional layer of protection on different levels, but shouldn’t the governments put more efforts into regulations to prevent such incidents from happening? 

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