OpenAI Develops a New AI-powered Search Engine 

OpenAI, in collaboration with, Microsoft and Bing engine, is working on the new search engine development to rival Google.

OpenAI, in collaboration with its partner, Microsoft and its Bing engine, is working on the development of a new search engine to rival Google. 

According to The Information, citing a source within the AI company, this new search engine will be powered by AI and could be integrated as an additional feature on ChatGPT, leading to potentially challenging Google’s dominance in the search engine market. 

Currently, ChatGPT offers the ‘Browse with Bing’ feature which enables direct browsing on the platform, introduced by OpenAI and Microsoft last year for subscribers of the paid version. 

ChatGPT has over 100 million users on a weekly basis, which many of them rely on Google Search, according to recent technology reports. 

For its part, Google has been enhancing its search engine capabilities by integrating AI features, such as SGE, available in 120 countries and supports seven languages, though Arabic is not among them. 

OpenAI’s entry into the AI-powered search engine market enhances the competition with Bing, as is the case between ChatGPT and Copilot, fostering collaboration and competition between both partners, Microsoft and ChatGPT developer. 

According to a StatCounter report, Bing’s global market share in the search engine market has increased by 0.63% and 1.5%. 

In recent years, search engines have evolved beyond simply relying on keywords, adopting AI technologies to assess content quality and enrich user experiences. This transformation often involves conducting searches on behalf of users and arranging search results directly on the web page, exemplified by innovations like the Arc smart search app. 

Similarly, the AI-powered search engine application Perplexity is emerging as a competitor to ChatGPT in smart search engines. It allows users to ask any questions and conducts quick searches to provide answers accompanied by reliable data sources. 

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