Search results for "us government "

Telecom Ethics in the Age of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm and infiltrated every possible sector, especially telecommunications. However, the question concerning telecom ethics during these turbulent times remains. With the creation of ChatGPT, we have entered an era unlike any other in terms of ethics and societal implications. Today, we can no longer apply innovations without […]

U.S. War on Chinese Hardware and Software

The U.S. war on China goes beyond Chinese hardware to now include its software. Can we afford slowing down technological advancements? The U.S. is not a fan of Chinese technology operating on its soil as it “strongly believes” that that could open it up to Chinese surveillance. And to drive that point home, late last […]

Top Iranian, Saudi Envoys Meet in China in Restoration of Diplomatic Ties

The foreign ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia met in Beijing on Thursday for the first formal gathering of their top diplomats in more than seven years, after China brokered a deal to restore relations between the top regional powers. After years of hostility that fuelled conflicts across the Middle East, Iran and Saudi Arabia […]

The Developing Countries Facing a Debt Crisis

The record number of developing nations at risk of a debt crisis will be high on the agenda next week when central bankers, finance ministers and political leaders convene for the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) spring meetings. Ballooning inflation, escalating borrowing costs and a strong dollar have made repaying loans and […]

Portuguese NGO Sues TikTok, Says Platform ‘Profits from Children’

A Portugal-based European consumer protection group has sued short-video app TikTok for allegedly allowing children aged under 13 to sign up for an account without parental consent and failing to implement measures to protect them. The lawsuit came a day after Britain’s data watchdog said it had fined TikTok 12.7 million pounds ($15.81 million) for […]

UBS Tells Investors ‘Herculean’ Credit Suisse Takeover Will Pay Off

UBS executives sought to assure investors on Wednesday that Switzerland’s largest bank can make its unexpected takeover of Swiss rival Credit Suisse work and pay off for its shareholders. While describing the biggest bank rescue since the global financial crisis as a milestone for the industry and a major challenge for the bank, Chairman Colm […]

IMF Warns Geopolitical Fragmentation Could Raise Financial Stability Risks

Rising geopolitical tensions and the resulting fragmentation of the global economy could increase financial stability risks, reducing cross-border investments, asset prices, payment systems and banks’ ability to lend, the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday. The IMF has long warned of increased costs, economic friction and GDP output losses associated with the global economy fragmenting […]

U.S Says It Cannot Confirm China Collected Real-Time Data From Spy Balloon

 U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration said on Monday it could not confirm reports that China was able to collect real-time data from a spy balloon as it flew over sensitive military sites earlier this year, saying analysis was still ongoing. NBC News on Monday reported that the Chinese balloon was able to transmit data back […]

Capsized Credit Suisse Faces Shareholder Fury

Credit Suisse is expected to face shareholder anger at what will be its final annual general meeting on Tuesday after the bank was rescued last month by rival UBS. The hastily arranged takeover by Zurich-based UBS, for which Switzerland invoked emergency legislation, bypassed Credit Suisse shareholders, who would otherwise have had a say, and largely […]