Search results for "COVID-19 "

B-LiFE deploys a mobile laboratory in the Piedmont Region of Italy to carry out COVID-19 tests with the support of ETELM

September, 2020 – As one of the most severely affected places by COVID-19, the Government of the Piedmont Region in Italy requested that the B-LiFE (Biological Light Field Laboratory for Emergencies) service was deployed in the area since June to carry out vital COVID-19 diagnostic tests. Using its advanced mobile laboratory, the mission of the […]

Technology might help save sports during COVID-19

Sport has contributed to society in many ways by bringing people and communities together. However, the pandemic put a sudden stop to that and devastated an industry that once thrived on human interaction. With many venues temporarily closed, the future of sport might seem bleak… But all is not lost. In the UK, a country […]

Ed technology developments in South Korea amid the Covid-19 pandemic

On September 21, 2020, Korean top mobile operator SK Telecom Co. has announced its partnership with the Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education aiming to offer a remote education service for students stuck at home amid the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the operator, the service will be used by around 20,000 students at 312 schools in […]

90-minute COVID-19 testing device

Since the emergence of the novel Coronavirus, scientists, healthcare workers and physicians have stressed on the need for more rapid diagnostic testing. A recent study from Imperial College London shows that a new testing device can yield results in just 90 minutes. The new paper, published in the Lancet Microbe, claims that the new testing […]

The glaring problem with COVID-19 vaccine deployment

As most of us already know, creating a vaccine is only half the challenge of beating the pandemic. Getting 7 billion people vaccinated is a colossal undertaking, the scale of which has never been seen in history. How will the world manage and sustain COVID-19 vaccine deployment, and ensure equitable access to everyone? It is […]

COVID-19 and climate change: did anything really change?

The world has seen some remarkable things in the first months of lockdown with regards to COVID-19 and climate change. As the cities went silent and the roads became empty, noise pollution was reduced and carbon emissions were slashed. That’s all good news, but what happens when the pandemic ends? People had a taste of […]

Digital technology aids Bangladesh during COVID-19

As the pandemic pushes on, we find ourselves using different means to innovate, adapt, and utilize various tools. Salma Akhter, a member of the agricultural cooperative in northern Bangladesh has been using digital technology to run a ‘virtual call center’ in her sub-district and is aiding in connecting rural farmers with buyers and suppliers. Farmer […]

Covid-19: Hygiene and safety in the F&B industry

As the current Coronavirus officially gets classified as a national crisis and a full on pandemic, restaurant owners are tirelessly working to keep staff and customers safe. Protecting customers from virus and bacteria is nothing new for bars and restaurants, however COVID-19 has presented its own set of challenges. COVID-19 is a viral and contagious […]

Russia releases clinical data on COVID-19 vaccine

Earlier last month, Russian President Vladamir Putin shocked the scientific community when he claimed that Russian authorities had approved the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine, dubbed Gam-COVID-Vac. This was despite the fact that no specific data had been published regarding the COVID-19 vaccine safety or efficacy, and furthermore, no large scale trials were completed. Now, the […]

Thermal Imaging Tech to be used Against COVID-19

Alabama State University will start using thermal imaging tech that has the ability to detect some symptoms of the Coronavirus. This technology is to be utilized in high traffic areas on campus. When visitors first entered Alabama State University, and headed towards the John Garrick Hardy Student Center early on a Tuesday morning, they were […]