Search results for "us government "

Behind in quantum computer race, Germany gets boost from IBM

IBM on Tuesday unveiled one of Europe’s most powerful quantum computers in Germany, boosting the country’s efforts to stay in the race for what’s considered a key technology of the future. Quantum computers use subatomic particles to get around the limitations of traditional physics and perform calculations at far higher speeds than even the fastest […]

Hit by a ransomware attack? Your payment may be deductible

As ransomware attacks surge, the FBI is doubling down on its guidance to affected businesses: Don’t pay the cybercriminals. But the U.S. government also offers a little-noticed incentive for those who do pay: The ransoms may be tax deductible. The IRS offers no formal guidance on ransomware payments, but multiple tax experts interviewed by The […]

Brief, global internet outages blamed on software bug

A software bug at a major network provider briefly knocked dozens of financial institutions, airlines and other companies across the globe offline during peak business hours in Asia. Akamai, which runs one of the internet’s main content-delivery systems, said the outage Thursday was not caused by a cyberattack, but rather a software bug on a […]

India says Twitter knowingly not complying with local laws

The standoff between the Indian government and Twitter escalated Wednesday when the country’s technology minister accused the social media giant of deliberately not complying with local laws. Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said Twitter has chosen “the path of deliberate defiance” when it comes to following new internet regulations that digital activists have said could […]

Iranian govt takes control of internet infrastructure

The Iranian government has adopted a new legislation that gives it the power to renationalize physical hardware and transmission equipment that make the country’s internet services infrastructure. “The government of Iran is taking full control of the country’s fixed internet infrastructure by hiving off the network assets of incumbent telco Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI),” […]

Want a job? Employers say: Talk to the computer

A day after her interview for a part-time job at Target last year, Dana Anthony got an email informing her she didn’t make the cut. Anthony didn’t know why — a situation common to most job seekers at one point or another. But she also had no sense at all of how the interview had […]

Apple reaffirms privacy stance amid Trump probe revelations

Seeking to protect its image as a guardian of personal privacy, Apple maintains it was blindsided and handcuffed by a Trump administration probe that resulted in the company handing over phone data from two Democratic congressmen. Apple delivered its version of events Friday in response to news reports detailing the U.S. Justice Department’s aggressive attempts […]

Automakers face a threat to EV sales: Slow charging times

If the auto industry is to succeed in its bet that electric vehicles will soon dominate the roads, it will need to overcome a big reason why many people are still avoiding them: fear of running out of juice between Point A and Point B. Automakers have sought to quell those concerns by developing EVs […]