Search results for "HUAWEI"

Technology's Sonic Waves Save Endangered Species, Fight Climate Change

In our present time, technological advancements often leave behind our ability to fully understand their full implications, but a new initiative by the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) is tying together the power of sonic technology to connect humanity with the natural world, by communicating with our conscious to fight for endangered species. This approach seeks not only to moderate the confrontational effects of human activity on […]

Leadership, Not Apple or AI, took Microsoft to No.1

Microsoft dethroned Apple last week as the richest company in the world as per market capitalization. Many assumed it was because of Apple slipping on a banana peel called China, with competition from Huawei and Xiaomi causing their tentpole product, iPhone 15, to lag behind in sales projections. (Even their freshly announced $70 discount is […]