Search results for "digital privacy"

Information Technology Solutions Post Covid-19

The world is just learning to walk again after the pandemic. Yet the news of an economic downturn is already circulating fast. Information technology solutions proved vital in understanding and overcoming obstacles. Making it a logical choice to rely further on information technology solutions to lessen the weight of the upcoming economic downturn. Technology advances […]

Operator Edge Computing Efforts are Accelerating

Edge computing and the technology that enable it are fast growing and drawing new participants, opening up new opportunities for organizations and service providers. Operators are targeting the edge computing market and leveraging technology to rise up the value chain and create more income from their networks and services. Edge computing also provides an opportunity […]

Telecom Operator Role in Healthcare

The healthcare landscape is witnessing a global overhaul. The population is about to hit 8 billion in mere weeks. More people means more markets and more dynamic needs. Such an increase will strain the healthcare industry on the sheer mass of people needing medical care. Further, the flood of wealthy older patients brought a corresponding […]

7 Cyber Security Trends in Financial Services

Cyberattacks are no longer phantom ghosts that come to haunt enterprises once in a blue moon. Today, cybercrimes have gained momentum and are luring, targeting, and attacking enterprises worldwide, and with that increase comes a heightened need to further optimize cyber security trends in financial services. The third quarter (Q3) of 2022 witnessed a rise […]

Brands that Accept Payment in Cryptocurrency

People see cryptocurrencies as either the future of finance or a pyramid scheme filling scammers’ pockets. No matter which of these two groups you belong to, it is undeniable that cryptocurrencies are becoming a part of our everyday world, and brands are heightening their acceptance of any payment in cryptocurrency. The first cryptocurrency to ever […]

Metaverse Presents a Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity for Middle East Telcos - Arthur D. Little Report

Dubai, UAE, November 9, 2022: Arthur D. Little (ADL) has published “The Metaverse: What’s In It For Telcos?” exploring how telcos can capture value by leveraging the metaverse. Metaverse represents a major new market for telcos with early estimates of the overall size of the Metaverse opportunity to be around $13 trillion by 2030. For example, Ericsson […]

The Impact of Decentralized Tech on Your Business 

The legacy way of running a business has stalled many business leaders. But innovation is knocking on the door, and you have to answer. Being stuck in the past can damage your business and leave you in the dust of outdated ways. In contrast, innovators are basking in the greatness of tomorrow. Decentralized tech is […]

Meta Is in Trouble

Meta is currently showing signs of a downfall. It is hard to notice such signs when looking at a giant company worth trillions of dollars, but it does not mean cracks do not exist. The company’s stock got thrown from a 130 dollars price to a trading point of ninety-eight dollars, a more than a […]

Meta Accepts UK Order to Sell Giphy After Antitrust Battle

Britain’s competition regulator has ordered Facebook-owner Meta to sell animated-images platform Giphy on Tuesday after a tribunal upheld its view that the acquisition could damage its rivals and remove a potential competitor in advertising. Meta said it would accept the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) order to unwind the 2020 deal. “We are disappointed by […]

The Three As: A Telco’s Best Investment

Automation, Analytics and AI For a service provider (SP) to compete in an increasingly competitive market, it must invest in three categories. It’s well understood that analytics, AI and automation, the three As, will pave the way for any telco looking to futureproof its operations. But how can SPs make sure their investment is worthwhile? […]