Search results for "IT"

A new ‘Request Verification’ section to be released on Twitter

Blue checkmark feature came out after a lawsuit has been filed by Anthony La Russa against the company on May 6, 2009, in the Superior Court of California/ County of San Francisco. La Russa had been suing the company for someone who was pretending to be him. The causes of the lawsuit included trademark infringement, […]

UK hosts Global Vaccine Summit to raise funds

The UK government recently hosted a virtual Global Vaccine Summit, to raise funds for vaccination programs in the fight against infectious diseases. The summit was Gavi’s third pledging conference, following the success of the Berlin summit held back in January 2015. The new pledges made during the Global Vaccine Summit will allow Gavi to protect […]

Personal mobility machine needs no help at Tokyo airport

By YURI KAGEYAMA AP Business Writer TOKYO (AP) — An autonomous mobility system that works like a wheelchair without anyone pushing it is scuttling around a Tokyo airport to help with social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic. The personal mobility machine seats one person and runs on its own without crashing, even when people jump […]

Tech Startups Rush to Develop Immunity Passports

Tech start-ups are rushing to develop immunity passports. These are official certificates that are given to people that have recovered from COVID-19 or were asymptomatic before. The idea is that people link their identity to a coronavirus test result and then share their status with third parties such as employers, restaurants and airports. That’s how […]

Zoom booms as pandemic drives millions to its video service

By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Technology Writer SAN RAMON, Calif. (AP) — Zoom Video Communications is rapidly emerging as the latest internet gold mine as millions of people flock to its conferencing service to see colleagues, friends and family while tethered to their homes during the pandemic. Tuesday’s release of the once-obscure company’s financial results for […]

In virus-hit South Korea, AI monitors lonely elders

By KIM TONG-HYUNG Associated Press SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — In a cramped office in eastern Seoul, Hwang Seungwon points a remote control toward a huge NASA-like overhead screen stretching across one of the walls. With each flick of the control, a colorful array of pie charts, graphs and maps reveals the search habits of […]

With rare candor, employees protest Facebook's Trump policy

By BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Facebook employees are using Twitter and Facebook’s internal communications tools to register their frustration over CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to leave up posts by President Donald Trump that suggested protesters in Minneapolis could be shot. Twitter flagged and demoted Trump’s tweet about the protests when […]

37 Nations Join C-TAP Initiative To Tackle COVID-19

37 nations have agreed to sign the C-TAP initiative aimed at developing vaccines, treatments, tests and other health technologies to fight coronavirus, accessible to all. C-TAP short for COVID-19 Technology Access Pool, was proposed early in March by Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado who joined WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during the video launch […]

Digital literacy support for seniors in society

Digital technology has become an integral part of what it means to fully participate in modern society. While most of us already struggle to keep up with advancing technology and tech trends, stop for minute and think how difficult it must be for older adults in our society. Their lack of understanding for the digital […]

Online divisions: Twitter, Facebook diverge on Trump's words

By BARBARA ORTUTAY and PAUL WISEMAN AP Business Writers OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — President Donald Trump posted identical messages on Twitter and Facebook this week. But while the two social platforms have very similar policies on voter misinformation and glorifying violence, they dealt with Trump’s posts very differently, proof that Silicon Valley is far from […]