Search results for "white house"

Spotify's Joe Rogan Saga Spotlights Podcast Moderation Challenges

At an ad industry conference in New York this month, one of the key architects of Spotify’s podcasting strategy outlined what she saw as the biggest challenge facing platforms: how to moderate content. Chief Content and Advertising Business Officer Dawn Ostroff, the television veteran who had helped bring U.S. podcaster Joe Rogan and other top […]

NYC moves to stop new buildings from using natural gas

New York City is poised to bar most new buildings from using natural gas within a few years, after lawmakers voted Wednesday to make the United States’ most populous city a showcase for a climate-change-fighting policy that has been both embraced and blocked elsewhere. If Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio signs the measure, as expected, […]

NYC weighs cutting off natural gas hookups for new buildings

New York City lawmakers are poised to decide Wednesday whether to prohibit most new buildings from using natural gas, a move that would make the nation’s most populous city a showcase for a climate-change-fighting policy that has been both embraced and blocked around the country. The measure is expected to pass the City Council and […]

Chinese tech regulations morph U.S. firms’ course of action

U.S. Big Tech legion seems to be torn between two economic powerhouses. In a battle for dominion between the East and the West, Big Tech companies are forfeiting from the Chinese market to prevent getting caught in the conflict, except for Apple, according to the BBC. Last week, Microsoft announced news of shutting down its professional […]

'As seen on TikTok' is the new 'As seen on TV'

Near the Twizzlers and Sour Patch Kids at a New York candy store are fruit-shaped soft jelly candies that earned a spot on the shelves because they went viral on TikTok. A flood of videos last year showed people biting into the fruit gummies’ plastic casing, squirting artificially-colored jelly from their mouths. Store staffers at […]

Far-right cryptocurrency follows ideology across borders

The Daily Stormer website advocates for the white race, posts hate-filled, conspiratorial screeds against Blacks, Jews and women and has helped inspire at least three racially motivated murders. It has also made its founder, Andrew Anglin, a millionaire. Anglin has tapped a worldwide network of supporters to take in at least 112 Bitcoin since January […]

The evolution of unified communications in 2021

Digital transformation has accelerated in recent times, as millions of organizations have had to support remote operations, now joined by the need to develop hybrid working models. Unified communications (UC) is a vital part of digital transformation’s foundations and is the glue that brings together all the various elements into one interconnected environment. In today’s […]

South Korea to release Samsung scion on parole

South Korea will release billionaire Samsung scion Lee Jae-yong on parole this week after he spent 18 months in prison for his role in a massive corruption scandal that triggered nationwide protests and led to the ouster of the country’s previous president. The announcement Monday by the Justice Ministry, which came with a year left […]

Facebook profits soar but its success might be short-lived

Facebook’s success is rapidly taking flight; however, it’s about to face serious challenges on multiple fronts.   The company’s revenue grew 56 percent year-on-year (YoY) in the second quarter, amounting to $29 billion, according to a statement published on Wednesday.  Facebook’s savvy marketing strategy and technological advancement managed to double its quarterly profit to almost $10.4 billion, $8.7 billion more than what analysts estimated.  If this isn’t impressive enough, then take […]

Facebook, Twitter, and Google sue Florida over new social media law

Two tech trade groups consisting of Facebook, Twitter, and Google have filed a lawsuit against the state of Florida over a new law that would fine social media companies that bar political candidates, citing a violation of free speech. The lawsuit – which highlighted that the bill was signed by Republican Florida Governor Ron DeStantis […]